May Report, 2024

So the season begins….After fretting over the low water levels Mother Nature came through with some good rains. The timing couldn’t have been better and we now have fully functional docks! Scratch that worry off the list. Speaking of water levels here’s a Google map shot from the high water spring we had a few years back….if you look closely you can see the fire pit under water and the trailer parking areas somewhat damp. Good looking red roofs!

Since I made mention of the “list” let’s go back earlier in May when getting things ramped up on the portage trail was a priority.

Another day at the office….

The most advanced technology being used to mark the trails…..

We’ve finally worked out the kinks in the ramp and the winch…..

Breaking in the new 4 stroke motors……reports are all positive!

The boat on McGregor works fine!

Propulsion on Otter Lake is a vintage ’56 Armstrong.

While I’m bucking a head wind Susanne checks out the view…

“X” marks the spot..

Note to adventurers, wear your rubbers (on your feet).

The mighty Caribou Falls and sketchy bridge……

End of the road….Caribou Lake. Only the most fit survive this trip. Boat is still there and the motor works!

Who ate my porridge, cried Goldilocks! Who ate my gas can? A relic found off the trail, before we wised up to using metal gas cans.

Pickle time on Caribou Lake.

When foraging in the bush remember these are not chocolate covered almonds.

…and this is not a garlic coil.

What about the fishing in May?!?

Rising water levels and colder than normal water temperatures sums up the backdrop to the fishing activities. By the end of May we were still catching walleye in up to 4 feet of water and the smallmouth were just heading to the beds on the smaller, warmer portage lakes. Incidental muskies were caught but as the season isn’t open till later in June we won’t promote catching them till then. In the meantime this should give you an idea of what to expect later in the season……

So, here’s some photos of successful anglers in May!

Bill Natkin with a 30 plus inch laker.

Andryea Natkin with a 25 plus inch walleye.

Other excitement…

So we suddenly became a boat in lodge, lost all power, and had a fire…..simultaneously!

Tree across the road and power lines down!

Bit of a grass fire that was taken care of by the Machin Volunteer Fire Dept. Thanks!

Even the police responded. Seen here with the unruly biker gang from VBL.

On a final note the Perch Rodeo is set to roll…..

3 thoughts on “May Report, 2024

  1. Thanks for the update Gord! I can’t tell you how much we are looking forward to your upgrades. Seriously, we are all impressed at how much you and Susanne invest back into VBL each year.

    As for the perch rodeo, we all know that’s rigged so don’t even try.

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On behalf of the Boyes Group, I would like to pass on our sincere thanks for hosting the Muskie Madness Week and we thoroughly enjoyed our stay at VBL and had a great time!! This was our 7th year on Eagle Lake and we have stayed at a few other lodges but VBL takes the cake hands down! You can definitely count us in for next year. I’m happy to see you post some of my pics, they turned out well. Thanks again Gord for a wonderful week of fishing and your stellar hospitality, you run a first class operation, we look forward to seeing you next year!

Trevor Benner

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