Ice fishing with Henry & Adam…”The Polish Connection”

The Polish Connection ice fishing team…

Henry & Adam are both summertime guests of Vermilion Bay Lodge here on Eagle Lake who decided to team up for an ice fishing excursion.  Henry had the experience from last winter, where he ice fished for the first time ever!  Adam had no experience, and had never even caught a lake trout before.  Nevertheless they both came prepared with all the proper tackle, gear and clothing…..along with several cases of Polish beer (Zagloba, Lezajsk, Zywiec & Tskie), Polish sausage and Pierogi.   Also, the “jet fuel”……..

don't drink this!

Before ice fishing……the Polish snowshoe team…

snowshoeing at Vermilion Bay Lodge
Strapping on the boards to snowshoe the "back forty"
On the snowshoe trail
Henry "pre-heart-attack" holding trees for support!

Let the ice fishing begin……will Adam catch a lake trout?

Adam's first laker
Adam's first laker.......Success!
Adam's second lake trout
Number he's starting to show off...
Ice fishing on Eagle Lake Ontario
Adam & Henry with a brace of one.

Things you don’t often see while ice fishing….

Burton Penner's dog sled team
Burton Penner and his dog sled teams
dog team on Clearwater Lake
The dog's don't seem to mind the deep snow...

 More highlights of the Polish ice fishing adventure…

Deep water lake trout
Adam looking frozen....with a nice lake trout
Lake trout on a jig
Using tube jigs for lake trout.
Is this fish depressed?

Catching pike & walleye ice fishing…

Some other species were caught ice fishing along with the trout…….including this really fat 36 inch pike:

ice fishing for pike
Nice pike caught on a tip-up
Pike rig for ice fishing
This is the rig used to catch the's hard to see the small white spinner above the hook
releasing a northern pike on Eagle Lake
Releasing the fish for another day!
Dusk on Vermilion Bay
Some of the best walleye action was at dusk.
Winter walleye
Nice color on this winter walleye.

The ice fishing conclusion…

While we did have fun and catch fish, to be honest the ice fishing bite seemed to drop off and there were some slow days.  That’s ice fishing I guess……..there’s always the great scenery!

ice fishing serenity
Ice fishing serenity
very small lake trout
Adam proves that trout come in all sizes!
laker on the ice
Lake trout on the ice

How many days of ice fishing are left?

The weather forecast seems to be showing a warming trend about to hit us.  It could be the days of venturing off to far lakes to catch trout are numbered.  It may be time to concentrate on the walleye, pike, perch and whitefish fishing right here in Vermilion Bay.  Today I will head into Clearwater Lake and pull one of my portage boats back to the lodge for some repairs (while there is still plenty of snow to do so!).  Spring is on the way and with it open water fishing.  Hopefully you  all have your dates picked to be up here at the lodge when the fishing action is at it’s prime…till then we will all have to wonder what the final days of ice fishing will bring!

10 thoughts on “Ice fishing with Henry & Adam…”The Polish Connection”

  1. Great job!!!! Some great pics and the little trout was cute must of have been Gord’s prize catch of the week.
    Now that spinner rig is that something someone made for you from Wisconsin?
    Looks like lot of fun was had!!!

    1. Yes, that pike rig was from the ones you gave me. I’m about out of them….a new batch would be appreciated! Particularly like the treble hook versions……. thanks in advance !

      1. So you have been having luck with those rigs!!!
        I guess I better get some together for you to bring with in May..
        See what I can do for ou Gord.

  2. Hi Gord…
    The missus and I have just completed our first week scouting out the prospects for a VBL outpost camp in Hawaii. So far we have not found anything in your price range, but will keep looking until the wine runs out–a few days at best. However, we did get the Hawaiian Fire Dancers lined-up to perform during the Sunday fishfry festivities at VBL this summer. The missus wishes to thank you for releasing that fat northern as she wants a shot at that one as well…Aloha from Kauai

  3. Absolutely excellent presentation. Until recently, that white stuff on the ground was unknown here in Southwestern Alberta. It is definitely interesting to see those winter activities from the Vermilion Bay area. Please keep up those postings

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If you’re looking for an outstanding vacation spot for the serious fisherman or a family get away you should consider Vermillion Bay Lodge on Eagle Lake, Ontario Canada. We have stayed at many lake resorts over the years, but none offer the simple pleasures of this one. The lake is large enough and holds enough fish for the most adventuresome fisherman and yet easy for local family fishing for young children. Bring your own boat or use one of the aluminum boats (20 hp) at the lodge. Boat dockage is well protected from the wind and allows easy access to the water.

What sets this lodge apart from most others is it is always clean, well kept with lots to do including paddle boats canoes, bon fires in the evenings and a just plain friendly atmosphere.

Bruce & Sally

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