What’s up with Spring?

The past few weeks have been warmer than normal. The lake is snow-free, just bare ice. Still plenty of it, but I would be careful where I went! Maggie thinks it’s o.k. though…….

Very little snow is left on the ground, or in the bush, and the lake looks somewhat low. It’s hard to make predictions, but we could sure use some moisture to get the creeks flowing and the lake level back up. In this picture you can see the end of the creek starting to turn dark…..thin ice!

The forecast is showing some cooler weather which is good since I plan on doing a little more ice fishing.

Two days ago the gulls showed up, which is about two weeks earlier than last year. The notorious eagle pair have been hanging out on their perch for at least two weeks…..probably scoping out the gull rock for a potential meal! A good sign is that the gulls are already chasing the eagles away…..they are still “smarting” over the decimation of their hatch-lings two years ago.

2 thoughts on “What’s up with Spring?

  1. HEY! GORD;
    Spring must be lurking around the corner.
    That ice is on it's way out by the end of March?
    Are you having a contest about when the ice will finally be gone?
    The gulls an eagles are probably being effected by the global warming, we keep hearing about?

  2. I always like it when Gord gives us pics of the late season ice, I wish it would hold out a few more weeks the later the ice out the better the spring fishing with the exception of perch fishing.
    Sure hope your right Gord and you get plenty of moisture between now and the opener
    Look forward to the ice out contest then I will be able to pick up my prize along with my VBL blog staff T-shirt…….

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Thank you very much for making my get a way week so enjoyable. Dan and I had a great time. You and Susanne should be commended on how clean and well maintained your cabins and lodge are. I will recommend you to anyone that is looking to go to Canada fishing and I look forward to the time I can come back.

Jody Hansen

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