A good muskie day……..

On Friday I was able to take Brandon Lacrosse and his dad Mick out for a few hours of muskie fishing here in Vermilion Bay. We had a few days of high winds and recurring showers, and Friday was no different. The barometer was on the rise (I checked this later) and it turned out to be one of those days you could do no wrong. Pretty much every spot you would think a muskie might be, there was one………and they were active!

The first fish was yours truly with a 38 incher caught on a small black and silver Mepps Muskie Killer doing a figure “8”.

Two spots later Brandon tied into this nice 42 incher. In between, Mick managed to hook into another 38 inch muskie (sorry, no picture). In total we ended the day with 4 muskies (Brandon had a second fish in the boat…….28 inches) caught and probably 6 or 8 others that followed.
It was a great muskie week too. We had 12 fish caught with the biggest caught by Brandon’s buddy Dan Witzlib…..a beautiful 50 incher. Dan also had a 47 incher. John Biesterveld and his father in law, Clay, had a number of muskie boated including a 48 inch fish. I was not able to download pictures of these fish but will do so if Dan or John can email them to me. The moral of the story is………..”you should have been here this week!” Don’t despair though…….the really big fish season is still ahead of us!

6 thoughts on “A good muskie day……..

  1. Sounds like the musky are getting active…
    Good to hear and look forward to the pics of the larger ones.
    Better get your game on Gord, Mark should be arriving one of these weeks and he will expect you to put him on some of those big ones..
    Not that he will be able to catch one but all you can do is put him on them the rest is up to him to hook and land it….

  2. Wow!! You've got my attention for sure. I can only imagine how fired up everyone was. These kinds of days don't happen very often but they dont have to. The memories last FOREVER. Way to go Brandon, Mick, Dan, John, and Clay. Buck and I will be up before too long and I hope we can follow in your wake………..Bill

  3. P.S……. Gord I didn't mean to leave you off of the above list. Anybody that knows anything will know that you made it happen……Bill

  4. Hi Gord…Well, I think it is abundantly evident that, as an angler, you are back. I recall a sad, demoralized Gord Bastable, who, two or three years ago, thought he may never catch another muskie. Yet, you perservered in the face of adversity and conquered your demons.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I think we may witnessing a rare moment in the life of a man, down on his luck, who has dug himself out of a hole not only to survive, but to thrive. Call me sentimental, but it brings a tear to my eye. I predict his best is yet to come.

  5. garlic ring man
    Fantastic pictures congrats on the nice muskies. Hope to see the smae size during muskie madness week.

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Thank you very much for making my get a way week so enjoyable. Dan and I had a great time. You and Susanne should be commended on how clean and well maintained your cabins and lodge are. I will recommend you to anyone that is looking to go to Canada fishing and I look forward to the time I can come back.

Jody Hansen

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