It's official, Eagle Lake Ice-Out, May 3, 2011.


It’s true!  Eagle Lake Ice-Out is now!


We have a winner folks.  At long last the Eagle Lake ice-out has arrived!  You can kick yourself for guessing a date in April…you can regret thinking late May…but hey, better luck next year!


And who is the Eagle Lake ice-out winner?

[caption id="attachment_698" align="alignnone" width="461" caption="The "Professor" with an Eagle Lake laker."][/caption]  

Good guess Professor Joe!  Not only are you lucky with the lake trout, you have an uncanny ability to predict the Eagle Lake ice out!  Congratulations.  A stylish Vermilion Bay Lodge hoodie awaits you!


The Eagle Lake Ice-Out contest is over for 2011…Stay tuned for Eagle Lake fishing updates, starting soon!

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20 thoughts on “It's official, Eagle Lake Ice-Out, May 3, 2011.

  1. As one of your previous guests roared at the walleye madness week, “Bull s. This contest was rigged!” I will be sure to spill a cup of coffee on the Professors new hoodie at the first available opportunity. In fact, maybe I will do that before he is awarded his hoodie in September? Perchmaster, maybe you can be the first guest to “sign” his hoodie?

  2. Congratulations Professor! I will assume that your years of college and not any impropriety are the reason behind your success. I’ll also expect you to buy a round the next time we are at VBL together.

  3. This sore loser is amazed by the different weather patterns in Canada this year. My formula for an early April ice out on Eagle was based on the ice out date here on Mendota last year compared to the ice out on Eagle. If we had had the same lag this year, Eagle would have been open in early April. Its been a very cold winter in VB and that should bode well for the early anglers like the Perchmaster (you may be a little early this year for the perch?).

  4. Of course, I’m thrilled to win the prestigious VBL Ice-Out Contest and look forward to parading about camp in my new hoodie at the end of August. I should point out that my strategy for deriving the ice-out date had nothing to do with my education or significant degree of impropriety in my life. Rather, my guidance came directly from the fish gods after a satisfactory ritualistic sacrifice was performed. I’ll shed more light on this topic soon.
    The bitter reaction from Andy is disconcerting, but not surprising. He is very competitive and expects to win every time. And he goes off when someone else wins. A few years ago, during the famous VBL Walleye Madness Tourney, I gradually closed the gap on the last day of competition and beat him by one point to win. He went nuts and started threatening others with his fillet knife. There are numerous other stories that I’d rather not share, except to note that it’s behavior like this that has caused Andy to be banned from most bingo halls in southern Wisconsin.

    1. Maybe that is what I guy has to do is find some smelt and bring a 5 gallon bucket of those in, that would get him going for the day!!

  5. Hey those look like the size of the perch the Perchmaster likes to keep! I wonder if they make those scissors in an Eagle Lake size?

  6. ……..oh, by the way Andy, a computer guru such as yourself should at least be able to have your picture on your comments (maybe you can show the professor as well)

    1. So the truth is out you do catch all the fish?
      The professor just sits back and complains and tells you what to do..

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If you’re looking for an outstanding vacation spot for the serious fisherman or a family get away you should consider Vermillion Bay Lodge on Eagle Lake, Ontario Canada. We have stayed at many lake resorts over the years, but none offer the simple pleasures of this one. The lake is large enough and holds enough fish for the most adventuresome fisherman and yet easy for local family fishing for young children. Bring your own boat or use one of the aluminum boats (20 hp) at the lodge. Boat dockage is well protected from the wind and allows easy access to the water.

What sets this lodge apart from most others is it is always clean, well kept with lots to do including paddle boats canoes, bon fires in the evenings and a just plain friendly atmosphere.

Bruce & Sally

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