April 21, 2013……Ice Out Update……



I hesitate to draw your attention to the “lack of progress” that is occurring here in the frozen wastelands of NW Ontario…but, alas, the current conditions are bleak.   As the snow falls over a frozen Eagle Lake I can only say that those who guessed an ice out date in April were delusional.  I’m sorry for your loss.  To a brighter note, the forecast seems to indicate a slight warming trend for later in the week.  Hang in there, open water season will eventually come.  In the above photo what is not clear (due to the snow storm) are the gulls that have been back for several weeks forlornly sitting on Gull Rock…….man, do they look pissed off! 

9 thoughts on “April 21, 2013……Ice Out Update……

  1. Gordon
    We are wondering if winter will ever end here in Kansas, we have snow forecast for Wednesday and a high of 37. Not as bad as your area but for us it is not nice.

  2. Gord…Andy and I will arrive in about a month and we have a few questions. Will the “trout-troll-o-rama” still be going on? Will the angler catching the largest trout receive a VBL mug? And will the bike-riding lady with the better than average ass be in camp?

    1. Professor, in answer to your questions, yes, “trout-o-rama” will be in full swing. Sadly, I am out of the coveted VBL mugs (I believe Andy owns three dozen). Lastly, yes, Susanne will be in camp.

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Thank you very much for making my get a way week so enjoyable. Dan and I had a great time. You and Susanne should be commended on how clean and well maintained your cabins and lodge are. I will recommend you to anyone that is looking to go to Canada fishing and I look forward to the time I can come back.

Jody Hansen

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