Contact Us Today!

    Gord & Susanne Bastable
    Box 510, Vermilion Bay
    Ontario, Canada
    POV 2VO
    Toll Free: 1-888-301-8229
    Phone: 807-227-2405

    Travel To Eagle Lake Near Vermilion Bay, Ontario, Canada

    From the International Falls, MN/Fort Frances, ON border, follow Hwy. 11 East to Hwy. 502 North, then 594 East to Dryden. In Dryden, take Hwy. 17 west to Vermilion Bay. We are just a short drive from Vermilion Bay on the North shore of Eagle Lake. Watch for our signs! See our road map below.

    Drive-In To Vermilion Bay Lodge

    Vermilion Bay Lodge is a drive-in camp. There’s no need to fly in. However, we do offer fly-in day fishing trips through Wilderness Air Charter Service. We also offer complimentary transportation to and from the Vermilion Bay Airstrip if you do fly into Vermilion Bay. The airstrip has 2 runways, 3500′ N-S and 2200′ E-W.

    Travel From Manitoba

    Follow Hwy 17 (TransCanada) East to the village of Vermilion Bay. We are approximately 300 kilometers east of the city of Winnipeg

    Border Information

    Canadian Border Crossing Information –
    Passport Info for U.S. Visitors –

    Keep up to date with The Electric Beaver, The Official Eagle Lake Blog since 2008

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    Thank you very much for making my get a way week so enjoyable. Dan and I had a great time. You and Susanne should be commended on how clean and well maintained your cabins and lodge are. I will recommend you to anyone that is looking to go to Canada fishing and I look forward to the time I can come back.

    Jody Hansen

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