Finale to the March Break Ice Fishing Frenzy….

It has been March Break here at Vermilion Bay Lodge, and while in the past this has been our chance to split to warmer climates, this year we decided to hang out at the lodge and do more ice fishing. Over the past two days we have fished Clearwater Lake (Holly above with a whitefish)….

……and a lake trout. These were the only two fish we caught! (###note: NewMexicam has pointed out the “snowmachine lure” that this trout was caught on. Yes, it’s true, and it almost swallowed the whole seat!)

Even with a number of holes and fishermen! That’s fishing………

…….there is always the fire and some food to take your mind off the slow bite.

When things get real boring then take a drive. Here we are at…….can you guess where? If you said Caribou Lake then you are correct. Anyone who has ever been there will have caught bass around this large boulder.

The next day Susanne and I ventured back to Teggau Lake (500 feet deep, remember?). We did pretty good in a couple hours……….

……probably 7 fish caught, with these four kept.

On the way home we did some adventuring and came across a fresh deer carcass and some wolf tracks………also a whole pile of deep slush. This picture doesn’t do it justice, but getting stuck in 12 inches of slush is not for the weak hearted. We survived to tell the tale. Weather has warmed and things are wet……..perhaps a trip to take gas into the portage lakes needs to occur soon.

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Thank you very much for making my get a way week so enjoyable. Dan and I had a great time. You and Susanne should be commended on how clean and well maintained your cabins and lodge are. I will recommend you to anyone that is looking to go to Canada fishing and I look forward to the time I can come back.

Jody Hansen

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