Ice Out Update #3

Here’s a short post to get you up to speed on ice conditions here at Vermilion Bay Lodge on beautiful, if somewhat dried up, Eagle Lake!

We’ve had some warm days and the ice is melting away from shore. Birds are back and varied….Canada geese, the blue heron, eagles and gulls. The “old” poplar tree (a.k.a. trembling aspen) in the center of my ice out photos for the past many years never ceases to amaze me. A few more limbs dead each year but still carrying on…….kind of like myself and many of my guests!

While many of those “the glass is half full” types might fret over low water I am taking on a more reflective outlook. What, me worry? The late philosopher Alfred E. Newman is an inspiration to us all…..those younger folk won’t understand the reference but that is life. I see rain in the 2 week forecast…..bring it on!

So, while I can’t entertain you with fabulous ice fishing photos here’s a brief rundown on my past few weeks……my septic field is still frozen. WTF! Thank you Rusty and the pumper truck! Just discovered that sometime while we were absent the basement floor drain froze and some water backed up into my flooring. I love replacing half my flooring…….it’s what I live for in the spring! Finally today the ignitor on my pellet stove quit……….who needs it, it’s above zero anyways! On a positive note I was able to ride my new purchase (actually last fall, but put away in the garage) into Dryden today………and yes Len, it’s Electric Lime Green……the color of communism!

So folks, while things may seem dire it’s best to reflect on the positive. A few more ice out guesses have come in in recent days…….thanks for your participation. While the lake may be low, there’s still a lot of water in those 68,000 acres. A lot of walleye, pike, bass, musky and trout as well. The new open water season is approaching and whatever issues emerge we can handle! Stay calm and wait for the signs….

7 thoughts on “Ice Out Update #3

  1. While most reasonable people understand the difference between communism, socialism, and democracy, I am starting to like commy lime green. Everyone will recognize El Gordo when he rolls into town.

  2. Love the truck, easy to find in the co-op parking lot. Great blog as per usual. My ice out date was same as the winner.

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This is a first class resort located on Vermillion Bay on Eagle Lake. The cabins are very clean and well kept. The boats are new with new motors and are in great shape. The owner will also clean your fish for you after your day on the water. Make no mistake the fishing on Eagle Lake is world class.

The Lodge is owned by Gord and Susanne Bastable who will make you feel welcome and before you know it you feel like family. They are the best of hosts. The atmosphere is low key and laid back leading to a great vacation.

This is my 19th year of enjoying the hospitality of the lodge and i can’t think of going anywhere else on Eagle Lake.


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