Andy April 10, 2015 at 11:36 am Reply Great post Gord! It warms my heart to see those new boat ramps and metal gas cans. The picture of you and Susanne at the Met is also pleasing. My mother is from New York and had an Aunt Marjorie Jaeger who was a mathematician and one of the first women studying at Yale (before they were even officially admitted at Yale). She married a truck driver, Herbert, who she dragged to the opera on a regular basis. She had a grand piano which was a practice piano at the New York Metropolitan Opera that we recently had restored and is now at my daughter’s house. My mother lost her mother at a very young age and had many pleasant memories of going to the opera with her father. It’s o.k. to like fishing and the arts! You cleaned up nicely. Where exactly was that 20′ hole? Could this be a sign of a spring?
Professor April 10, 2015 at 7:17 pm Reply Gord…To say I’m pleased to know that Caribou-boo is bear-proofed is an understatement. The trip there last September only to find that the bears drank our gas left me feeling devastated. If all goes well, I will trek back there at least twice this year to pester those smallies and pike. Let me say that going to the opera with Susanne took a real leap of faith, given your normal lifestyle and preferences. I hope that something happened to you at the opera that proved to be eye-opening–perhaps an insight into your life that surprised or even delighted you. The arts do that to me from time-to-time. And might I say that you looked rather dashing all gussied-up as you were. However, I would like to offer a gentle suggestion for your consideration. It’s time to start using the Grecian Formula. This wonderful product will gradually color away the gray hair and make you feel 20 years younger. Wouldn’t you want to be once again recognized and desired as Vermilion Bay’s top-rated hunk of a man?
Gord April 10, 2015 at 7:46 pm Reply Professor…I’m going for the Jeremy Wade look, so the grey will have to suffice. Apparently younger women find the look “yummy”.
Andy April 12, 2015 at 6:45 pm Reply Professor, I still have a bad feeling that those bears are going to want to chew on the plastic housing around the fuel hose fitting?
Gord April 12, 2015 at 7:33 pm Reply Andy, the cans and the fitting is metal. I’ve stored the fuel hose in a metal container as well. I think it should work….we’ll see!
Professor April 15, 2015 at 8:14 pm Reply So Gord…We now have cans, fittings and hoses. Is there gas as well?
Andy April 13, 2015 at 2:19 pm Reply Gord, back in the day, anglers used to fish in suits and ties. Usually a bow tie. Or at least they had their pictures taken in suits while holding fish. Maybe Susanne would be willing to let you give this a whirl? Maybe this is the year we make a fashion statement on Eagle Lake? You wouldn’t even need logo’s on the boats. Other anglers would simply remark, “There goes another smartly dressed VBL guest”. Or, “Ever since the River Monsters show, VBL thinks its better then everyone else”. Or, “Those flipping VBL guests are out of their minds”. Or, “It must be another VBL viking funeral, lets have a weenie roast”.