Perchmaster April 17, 2014 at 4:53 pm Reply So you go all the way over to McGregor and you don’t pull out a couple wally’s? You should be jigging for some perch over in the hot spot on no name lake
Andy April 17, 2014 at 7:16 pm Reply Gord, I am aware of several good spots on no name lake. I was unaware of THE hot spot. Would you mind placing an “x” on our map so that we might be able to produce yet another great virtual fishing trip for the Perchmaster? Andy
Gord April 17, 2014 at 8:02 pm Reply Andy, I’m afraid the Perchmaster has become a permanent “virtual fisherman”. From now on he will be living vicariously through web postings and commentary from “actual” VBL guests. Let us hope that he will come to his senses soon and return to the fold.
Professor April 18, 2014 at 2:16 pm Reply Well, all things have a beginning, middle and end. The Perchmaster had a good run and distinguished himself as a fine multi-species angler. He still is capable of writing a sentence or two on occasion for this blog. And given his condition, I admire that. Is it true that he wants his ashes scattered under Cabin 2?
Andy April 18, 2014 at 12:38 pm Reply Gord I think he will come around. Life is too short not to be an actual fisherman. I lost a colleague a few weeks ago who dropped dead of a heart attack at the age of 36 while jogging. A neighbor of mine who is about 40 broke his hip this winter, they then discovered lymphoma cancer and now he lost his dad last week. Some things like fishing just can’t be put off too long.
Perchmaster April 18, 2014 at 4:16 pm Reply O Professor thanks for the compliments if that is what they were. No my ashes will be scattered on my evening walleye spot and maybe a little on the portage lake and the perch honey hole. Believe me Andy that is why I play hard while I can you just never know when your number will be coming up.