Perchmaster May 19, 2014 at 3:59 pm Reply I’m with Andy But it is killing me more than anything is to think about how great the fishing has to be this week with ice out….
Professor May 19, 2014 at 4:01 pm Reply Since winning this contest four years ago, my ice-out estimate has been rejected by Gord because I was “off” by one day twice, and now by two days this year. I believe that this is some sort of record that deserves a nice prize.
Jay M. May 19, 2014 at 4:41 pm Reply Great to see that open water! Now I’m waiting for the reports – with pics – of the stupendous lake trout fishing.
Gord May 19, 2014 at 5:47 pm Reply It is with regret that I report the “stupendous lake trout fishing” that I have been touting has not materialized. Now, granted I have only put in a total of an hour spread over three or four outings, but come on…! On a serious note, a fellow angler of substantial esteem, mentioned to me that lake trout fishing right after ice out can be slow. The water temps are hovering around 40 degrees, which is not my usual lake trout window. We seem to do best in the upper forty’s……so maybe it is too cold. That bodes well for Dustin who will arrive this Saturday. In the meantime I have sewer lines to fix……:(
Professor May 19, 2014 at 10:33 pm Reply Gord, Dustin and other early season lake trout anglers…I believe that good laker fishing awaits you. But it may require being very focused. Right now, these fish can be swimming anywhere in the water column–shallow to deep, but unlikely very deep as in the heat of summer. I would be fishing shallow to start with (10 feet) and work deeper out to 30 feet if unable to find them shallow. I would troll, slowly, with a big spoon or a #13 Rapala, with my lures running at least 100′ behind the boat. Sometimes these fish will be cruising/feeding very close to the surface and actually can be seen. My trolling would be concentrated on shorelines that were gradually sloped with a rocky bottom composition. I would be using my depth sounder to follow along the lake contour lines (shallower to deeper). And if my initial target area failed to produce, I would give it up and move to another spot. One of the most important things I would be doing is making the bait move erratically by sweeping the rod tip forward on a regular basis. After the sweep, I let my lure flutter back down. Also, I would be incorporating a lot of s-turns into my trolling passes, which causes the lure to speed-up and slow-down during the turns. These techniques will trigger fish into biting and are far more effective than simply dragging the lure through the water. Well, I hope this is helpful to someone. There are some very large lakers swimming close to VBL right now. Spend a few hours targeting lakers and you might be rewarded with a real bruiser.
Dustin Kaehr May 20, 2014 at 8:12 am Reply “That bodes well for Dustin who will arrive this Saturday.” One of the most inspiring sentences that has ever been written! And Professor….now I understand how you got your name! Thanks so much!! I’m finding it hard to focus on getting anything done and we’re excited to up at VBL in just a few days! dk
Teal River May 21, 2014 at 7:21 am Reply Dustin, the Professor earned his moniker by fashioning a make shift battery for his sonar unit using two cans of Molson OV beer, an empty night crawler carton and 4 feet of 10 lbs. Power Pro. Still, you have to be impressed. Catch a bunch when you’re up.
Professor May 22, 2014 at 4:30 pm Reply The make-shift battery idea was Andy’s suggestion, and made a lot of sense to me at the time. He neglected to tell me that I was supposed to chant the Hillbilly Fish Call while making this contraption. He and Gord got a big chuckle out my frustration. Bastards.
Andy May 21, 2014 at 8:33 pm Reply Gord, you are the sewer king. Get that fixed and put in your time on the water. We need some pictures to sustain us.
Gord May 21, 2014 at 9:44 pm Reply Sewer is fixed. Now need to get some docks straightened up before Dustin arrives. Probably hit the water this weekend. This Spring has been hell….there is no other words for it. As much as I love riding the Perchmaster’s butt (if he had one) about missing opening week…the past week wasn’t fit for man or beast. I think I survived, but just barely. Upcoming weather looks good…and fishing should be as well. I will report soon……
Andy May 22, 2014 at 10:27 am Reply Like the mutant ninja turtles that emerged from the sewers of N.Y. to fight crime, Gord is now greeting guests dressed up as Leonardo wearing a blue mask and wielding two long and razor-sharp katanas that can slice through nearly any fish pulled from the depths of Eagle Lake.
Dustin Kaehr May 22, 2014 at 7:20 pm Reply Gord….we will have a spot in a boat this weekend for sure!
Andy May 23, 2014 at 10:13 am Reply Dustin, You need to take into consideration that Gord’s new mutant ninja turtle outfit takes up quite a lot of room. It’s kind of like when your kids put on a cape or princess dress for the first time. They don’t want to take it off. In addition, it has been a long cold winter, and Gord has packed on a few more pounds to make it through this horrible winter. Good luck this weekend! Andy
Perchmaster May 24, 2014 at 5:29 pm Reply Enough of the “BULLSHIT” how about a fishing report and some pictures.
Andy May 24, 2014 at 5:55 pm Reply I think you should make a run for the border and show them how it is done?
Perchmaster May 25, 2014 at 5:18 pm Reply Hell Andy I’m thinking you are right. What so hard about catching a couple fish a photo shop them make it look like you are slaying em at VBL
Gord May 24, 2014 at 6:58 pm Reply This afternoon Dustin made it to the lodge after some unfortunate vehicle down time. Fortunately they were able to be repaired in International Falls and on their way quickly. Initial reports on their first foray this afternoon is a nice 33 inch laker released and some slot sized walleye. Tonight??? I might wet a line too…………….