True Nature of the Professor's Hand Revealed

As regular readers of the Electric Beaver, you know, I have been abused by certain bloggers who are “troubled” by my hand. This primarily is based upon an old photo of me holding a walleye. Some have said that my hand is a “mystery” because it does not look normal. Others have claimed that it’s not even real, but actually mechanical. There are even a few out there dreaming up schemes that would have VBL selling replicas of my hand for a tidy profit. I find all of this to be a distraction from discussing the fishing on Eagle lake. And isn’t this what you really care about? So, I hope to clear this up right now.

My hand is actually perfectly normal, but I keep it covered in a protective glove during the entire fishing season. This is because I have very tender hands which are quite sensitive to sharp fins, gill plates and teeth of various fresh water fish. I took to wearing a glove strictly for protection against the painful cuts, abrasions and pricks that come from handling lots of fish. Last week I was at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago to have the glove surgically attached to my hand.

I realize that my solution might be considered extreme by some, but it works for me and that’s what counts.

Incidentally, I ditched the old green glove because it was wearing out. Now I’m going with a new, red one from Frabill. This one happens to be the John Gillespie autograph model. Check it out. Nice, huh?

14 thoughts on “True Nature of the Professor's Hand Revealed

  1. "Buddy, buddy, buddy, get the Frabil! Get the Frabil! I got a slabasoris on the zip lure. My that's a hansom glove, would you like a Johnsonville brat?"

    John G.

  2. "The nature of the professor's hand revealed"…..really? I still note in all photo's of the "supposed" professor his hand is covered by "the glove".

    What does the red rubber conceal?

    Oh, by the way, does the glove come in a full body suit? I too am bothered by pricks around the lodge…..

  3. Neil,

    Nice catch on the pants. Did you also notice the buttoned down shirt? The Professor turned me down for an expedition on Lake Michigan on Saturday in Milwaukee in the pursuit of Coho's. I sure hope I don't see him at Pride Fest, which is in Milwaukee that same weekend.


  4. I got a slabasoris GRAB the Frabil is the line!!!
    I feel for you Professor I just hope you did not have me on the list of BASHERS of your poor hand?
    If it will make you feel worse Johnsonville will be at our company for a celebration on Friday as we will be recieving an award for becoming only the 32nd company in Wisconsin to become VPP certified.
    Boy I can taste those brats now!!!

    Andy you should have givin me a heads up on the lake Michigan fishing day out of Milwaukee I could have grabbed the other guy's and we could have maybe made it down for the day of fishing with you, that would be another story for the "EB".
    By the way "NICE PANTS" Eh!!!

  5. Gord…I'm sorry to learn that you are still being bothered by pricks. Perhaps something like the "Mustang Survival Suit" would help you, but I doubt it. This is about adjusting your attitude. I still believe that you would really benefit from getting involved in the "Take a Prick to Lunch Program". It's easy. You could participate by either inviting a prick to join you for lunch or by accepting an ivitation from someone who considers you to be a prick. Please, think about it.

    Incidentally, the colorful pants are from Chefwear–a gift from the missus. And I'll be wearing these at VBL in August during Professors Gone Wild Week.

  6. Gord,

    Now might be a good time to contemplate a dress code for VBL? The professor can wear what ever he wants to wear in the privacy of his own home for the pleasure of the missus, but I'm troubled that he would try to impose these warped values on the manly men of VBL?


  7. Perchmaster,

    I don't have a lot of experience fishing the salmon out of Milwaukee, but we should connect some other time. I've got an old Boston Whaler that I restored and am meeting some other Whaler owners from Wisconsin and a group coming all the way across the big pond from Michigan. If you want to see a humerous exchange, take a look at the end of the thread at the web site linked below to see the reaction from the group upon discovering that we will be arriving at the location of "Pride Fest" in Milwaukee. The professors pants would have fit right in. Doesn't he know that Zooba pants went out with M.C. Hammer? Of course he is a trend setter and I am kind of expecting a lot of folks walking around camp with an orange hand?
    Whaler Rendezvous in Milwaukee

  8. I think there is a phychology paper waiting to be written regarding the missus and the professors pants. The title could be "Female Domination" and could document the stages of dressing dolls, dressing your pet cat, and finally dressing your husband. Of course, the more bizaar you are able to exert your control (ie. the bonnet on the cat, the professors pants) signals to all other females your place in the pecking order. My final rivetting chapter would deal with the struggle by the male to fight back…..hence the glove. As a member of the hallowed halls of learning Andy, is there a research grant available for this?

  9. Andy
    Yea will have to try it some time maybe from what you know and what I know from my "HAYDAYS" we can make something happen!!!

  10. Gord,

    Research money tends to be available for research that gets answers to questions that people really want to know. You are spending way too much time thinking about this topic.

    I had to laugh. I was watching t.v. the other night and M.C. Hammer has a new television show. Maybe the Professor is on to something with these pants? Why don't you order a pair of these puffy zooba pants and have Susanne report back to the blog? She has been way too quite as of late.

    Perchmaster…I think the idea of a VBL Cheeseshead gathering makes sense. Maybe even an outing here in Madison for perch later this summer?


  11. Did you say perch????
    VBL Cheesehead gathering would be fun but not sure Gus could handle all us Cheeseheads at one time

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This is a first class resort located on Vermillion Bay on Eagle Lake. The cabins are very clean and well kept. The boats are new with new motors and are in great shape. The owner will also clean your fish for you after your day on the water. Make no mistake the fishing on Eagle Lake is world class.

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This is my 19th year of enjoying the hospitality of the lodge and i can’t think of going anywhere else on Eagle Lake.


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