Cryogenic deer……..

Last weekend Susanne and I went for a ride on Eagle Lake and came across the site of some recent wolf activity in the form of some deer hide, a couple of hoofs, plenty of wolf tracks, wolf pee, and this object protruding from the snow.

On closer investigation it would seem that the head had partially frozen into the slush that was present on the lake in December. Time to bring out the axe!

This must be a new form of archaeology…..chipping away the layers of time, in this case ice.

Further along and I think I’ve gone as far as I need to go. Now for a little precise surgical separation using my axe………

A nice looking 8 point rack. What a bummer to survive various winters, numerous hunting seasons and then succumb to who knows what just shortly after the hunt of 2010….but that is nature I suppose. By the way, this deer was located close to shore in Favell Bay.

3 thoughts on “Cryogenic deer……..

  1. Gord,

    I do hope your winter harvest was not related to your fall sighting of the buck in the water. You could combine the pictures and tell the tale of how quickly the weather changes in Canada.


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On behalf of the Boyes Group, I would like to pass on our sincere thanks for hosting the Muskie Madness Week and we thoroughly enjoyed our stay at VBL and had a great time!! This was our 7th year on Eagle Lake and we have stayed at a few other lodges but VBL takes the cake hands down! You can definitely count us in for next year. I’m happy to see you post some of my pics, they turned out well. Thanks again Gord for a wonderful week of fishing and your stellar hospitality, you run a first class operation, we look forward to seeing you next year!

Trevor Benner

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