Mid to late June update…

Time is flying by and July will soon be upon us!  Fishing has been good even with some hot weather and May flies.  Much better here on the lake than stuck in the big city, for sure!  Here’s a few photos to let you know what’s been happening here at the lodge.

Jen Sturmo with a very nice 27 1/2 inch released walleye.
Young Joe Westerman wins a lure at the fishfry for catching his first walleye, northern and musky all on the same day!
Invited to shorelunch courtesy of Cal Ritchie’s Eagle Lake Guide Service. How come I’m doing all the work?

51 incher..congratulations!
Head flower person and baking person…..Susanne’s mom, Gerda

Potato man Steve Lueck.
53 inch musky caught on a jig and walleye!
Apparently the bait you need to catch a 53 incher!
Even Manitoban’s can catch walleye. George Benger is impressed with himself!
The view as it stands right now…..pretty darn good!
Nice to see these again. Cow and calf down in Blind Bay.

It looks like temperatures are heating up south of the border.  If you want to escape and experience some Eagle Lake relaxation I’ve had a cancellation for June 30 to July 7 (one cabin) and July 7 to 14 (one cabin).  Things are booked up till the end of August so give me a call and we’ll work out a last minute deal!!!

July 1st…Canada Day

Have a good one!

5 thoughts on “Mid to late June update…

    1. Andy…Gord works very hard at being civil, which cuts into his already meager writing output. Perhaps it’s simply unreasonable to expect him to attempt civility and post on the blog in the same month.

  1. How about a mid to late August report? Or maybe the new dock master could recreate the yellow bathing suit pose on the Fish cleaning table for the Perchmaster?

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Thank you very much for making my get a way week so enjoyable. Dan and I had a great time. You and Susanne should be commended on how clean and well maintained your cabins and lodge are. I will recommend you to anyone that is looking to go to Canada fishing and I look forward to the time I can come back.

Jody Hansen

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