Fishing Reports: Return from the Twilight Zone.

Apparently as you age time has a way of moving faster.  Hence my last post from June seems to have left a void as I now find myself in December.  Obviously the age / time relationship is inverse to the production of blog posts.  Shame on me!  In an effort to remain current let’s start a series of posts I will call the “Forgotten Weeks”.  Now, sometimes stories are best simmered slowly and brought out when the appetite is at it’s peak.  Who couldn’t use some warm weather, open water and a fish feeding frenzy right about now?  Let us peruse some images from post June, 2018….in no particular order.

These snappy dressers are the brothers Glenn & Joe Vollmer.  What is noteworthy considering the “time moving on” theme is that they were my first reservation when we bought VBL 26 years ago.  They have been regular guests over the years for the most part fishing small 4 wheel drive lakes with great success.  The one time I did talk Joe into delving into Eagle Lake they had the unfortunate encounter with a skeg ripping reef in Portage Bay.  Whoops!

Some may say there is still room to perfect Glenn’s fish catching skills after 26 + years but he seems happy none the less.  Way to go Glenn!

While perch do have their following, the past summer was probably more noteworthy for some of the big fish brought to boat-side.  The Perkis family with some nice musky…

Version 3

Version 2

Let’s continue on with the musky theme….

A first in 26 years of operation was the fishermen who loved to target rock bass.  Seems like they are abundant and easy to catch if you can think like a “rocky”.  Fun fact:  there is no limit on rock bass.

Of course other fish were the target of attention over the summer.  Here’s a sampling…

Now, some may recognize the anglers in the last photo with the whitefish and lake trout.  Joe & Andy, “The Professors”.  Other than their love of fall fishing in the backwoods of Clearwater, McGregor and Caribou Lakes, they are noteworthy in that they are my only adult guests who still play with action figures.

Fisherman Steve with a big one.

So there we have it.  Installment #1.  Stay tuned for results of the triple header of VBL competitions… Walleye Madness, Musky Madness, and The Bull Perch Rodeo!  What happened this fall Gord?  What about cabin renovations?  All will be revealed, stay calm, watch for the signs.


8 thoughts on “Fishing Reports: Return from the Twilight Zone.

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Thank you very much for making my get a way week so enjoyable. Dan and I had a great time. You and Susanne should be commended on how clean and well maintained your cabins and lodge are. I will recommend you to anyone that is looking to go to Canada fishing and I look forward to the time I can come back.

Jody Hansen

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