April 26, 2013…..Ice out update….




Sunny, and 56 degrees (13 Celsius)…and it starting to look a lot more like spring.  The creek has begun to darken, and the lake is almost (well, maybe not quite)  down to bare ice.  If you haven’t put your guess in for when the ice will “go”, you might want to take this opportunity.  vbay@drytel.net  Send me your guess!

3 thoughts on “April 26, 2013…..Ice out update….

  1. Okay Gord it’s time for the dynamite. You actually have more snow and ice than Manitoba. Whats with that? Oh well, it will make it sweeter when the ice finally melts. See you guys in a while.

  2. Hugh, Gord uses dynamite for bait. One time I went fishing with him and complained about the practice. He tossed me a lit stick of dynamite and proceeded to ask me: Are you going to fish or bitch?


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This is a first class resort located on Vermillion Bay on Eagle Lake. The cabins are very clean and well kept. The boats are new with new motors and are in great shape. The owner will also clean your fish for you after your day on the water. Make no mistake the fishing on Eagle Lake is world class.

The Lodge is owned by Gord and Susanne Bastable who will make you feel welcome and before you know it you feel like family. They are the best of hosts. The atmosphere is low key and laid back leading to a great vacation.

This is my 19th year of enjoying the hospitality of the lodge and i can’t think of going anywhere else on Eagle Lake.


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