Corso Family Vacation…..

The Corso family from Iowa was up last week and had an enjoyable week of fishing for trout, walleye and muskie. Larry admits to not being much of a walleye guy but seemed to have them figured out by the number of walleye they ended up catching near a secret spot (14 feet using minnows) around 5th & Broadway. On their last day the family did a hamburger shore lunch on a sand beach island and then did a little casting in a nearby weedbed. Larry seemed to have the golden horseshoe and ended up with a 38 & 42 incher from the same spot! I suggested to Larry that he needs to work on his “smile” for future photo shoots! A few years back Larry observed a muskie in the trout holes that he says was easily 60 pounds…….the fish swam by his boat while he was trout fishing in 70 feet of water!

8 thoughts on “Corso Family Vacation…..

  1. Sounds like Larry is onto something Gord maybe you should follow him also?
    Nice pics and I will say this before one of the others jumps on it.
    "BULLSHIT ALERT"!!!!!!

    Had to do it but it is very possible on a musky of that size in Eagle Lake.
    I have seen musky of 60" in Eagle also and it is one of hell of a site when it follows a surface bait.
    Looks like the posting gods have awoke at VBL!!!

  2. Fishing is obviously a very serious business. Perchmaster….when do you suppose we will see a picture of Gord hoisting a 60" musky?


  3. Andy Lewis said…
    Fishing is obviously a very serious business. Perchmaster….when do you suppose we will see a picture of Gord hoisting a 60" musky?

    WISH SOON but I think one of us might have to come up and show him how it's done?

  4. Finally posting….I think. This is Bill from New Mexico (NewMexicam) I have beeen coming to Eagle lake for so long I can remember when I was taller than Gord.
    Just a note to say that the Corso's know how to have fun. VBL is my second most favorite place on the planet, next to my home on the mountain. I have gone from a Muskie purest to just being waleye crazy thanks to Gord and the Professor.
    I'm counting the days until I get there and have even attributed my recent purchase of "Banjo Mimmows' to waleye fever and temorary insanity.
    I live for this lkind of fun. Way to go Corsos.

  5. Hey Bill, or should I say New Mexicam, congratulations on coming "out of the closet" and posting a comment! You will have to post something after your trip this Fall…

  6. Hi Bill..Some people go through life without ever contracting a case of walleye fever. And they consider themselves lucky to have avoided the temporary insanity that comes from being walleye crazy. I'm glad you're not one of them.

    My friend, Andy, is fond of saying that walleye fever is good for you. He especially likes to remind me of that after catching and releasing walleyes in the 27 inch and better size range. Although hearing him repeatedly say this bothers me, I have to admit he has a good point.

    When are you planning to be back to VBL?

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Thank you very much for making my get a way week so enjoyable. Dan and I had a great time. You and Susanne should be commended on how clean and well maintained your cabins and lodge are. I will recommend you to anyone that is looking to go to Canada fishing and I look forward to the time I can come back.

Jody Hansen

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