Day 2 of “Ice Fishing for Lake Trout”…


Ice fishing for lake trout…where to next?

Chris & Nick....Day 2 Lake Trout Adventure

Day 2:  Chris & Nick decide to leave the pop-up sled at home and travel “commando style”.  Good thing too, since today’s plans include traversing longer portage trails into an excellent trout lake that is off the beaten trail.

Anticipation of the catch...
An interesting looking lake trout.
Sleds loaded for ice fishing.
Lake trout on ice.
Sunny day and a nicely marked laker.
Plenty of photo opportunities

O.K…How can I do as well ice fishing for lake trout?

You might be thinking “That sure looks like fun!”.  If you have never done much ice fishing for lake trout there are three basic steps that you need to concern yourself with.  Step One:  You need a destination that has good winter conditions and can offer excellent opportunities to catch lake trout.  Step Two:  There needs to be some guidance and advice on “how to” once you get to where you are going.  Even if you are a veteran angler, you will still need help fishing new lakes and getting there and back safely.  A guide can make it easy.  Step Three:  Ice fishing for lake trout requires some basic tackle and equipment.  Dealing with someone who has first hand knowledge on what you will need can save you time and money.  Three steps…ice fishing for lake trout can be that simple…right?

Nick holds a Lake trout that had spit out its last meal

Still unclear on what to do if you want to go ice fishing for lake trout?

If you are unsure of where to go or what to do let me make a suggestion.  Here at Vermilion Bay Lodge we can take care of Step One & Two……..location, guidance and opportunity… here on Eagle Lake and the numerous portage lakes that we fish for lake trout over the winter.  Up till now this was just something Susanne and I did but we have begun to offer this type of winter activity to a limited number of guests.  Give us a call if you want to give ice fishing for lake trout a try!  What about Step Three…tackle & equipment?  Many stores carry the right stuff, but if you want to talk to someone who has first hand experience in catching trout heretalk to Nick (remember…Chris & Nick?) at Gene’s Sport Shop in Parham, MN (218-346-3355).  I was particularly envious of the long ice fishing rods the boys had.  I have never seen anything similar and it would be something I would recommend ordering from Nick.

Ice fishing for lake trout…”The Movies”

Check out these links to some lake trout action featuring Nick & Chris…

Stay tuned for the conclusion of “Ice fishing for lake trout”…

My final post will document the final two days of fishing after the boys left……including the twist of fate at the Kinsmen ice fishing derby and the eerie experience we have at dusk on Bottle Lake.  Be aware for the next installment of “ice fishing for lake trout”!


2 thoughts on “Day 2 of “Ice Fishing for Lake Trout”…

  1. Just so you know Gord these vids/pics make it hard for a guy to concentrate when your having so much fun us there in gods country!!!

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Thank you very much for making my get a way week so enjoyable. Dan and I had a great time. You and Susanne should be commended on how clean and well maintained your cabins and lodge are. I will recommend you to anyone that is looking to go to Canada fishing and I look forward to the time I can come back.

Jody Hansen

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