Deep water pike……..

It is a misconception that pike are shallow water predators. While some of the juveniles will spend plenty of time in those weedy bays, the big boys prefer the cooler water and the fattening, greasy food that exists there.

Ron here is showing off a very nice pike (37-38 inches) caught in 70 feet of water in Buzzard Lake. Ron had wanted me to take him there for trout. Other than the one I lost just at the hole, this was the only fish we landed. It was a short day……..the men’s Olympic gold match hockey game teed off at 2 pm……….and we all know how that turned out!!!!

4 thoughts on “Deep water pike……..

  1. 70' of water for pike in winter is surprising to say the least.
    Now how far down do you fish for them.
    Was it a FLUKE?
    I think maybe fishing shallow water would have paid off for some of those big guy's
    When you tip up fish in Canada what type of minnow do you use Gord.
    We use med shiners and some use dead smelt for large pike.
    Nice pike….
    Congrats to the Canadian hockey team well played game by both teams…..

  2. Well, I suppose you could say it was a fluke considering we were fishing for trout and I wasn't expecting pike. I have seen pike in similarly deep water in the Fall, so I think they are roaming wherever there are ciscoes, whitefish or small trout to eat. Perhaps shallow water would work as well in the winter….but then again this was a deep lake trout lake and pike may have different patterns there as opposed to Eagle for example.

    If I was fishing for trout or pike on a tip-up I would just use the biggest minnow that I happened to have. I have used frozen ciscoes for lake trout.

  3. Oh Canada! What a great hockey game and olympics. I have caught a couple of really nice deep water pike while trolling for trout on Clearwater in the fall. I was not targeting these fish and was thankful that they were eaters because they came out of 60'-70' of water. It was a surprise.

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Thank you very much for making my get a way week so enjoyable. Dan and I had a great time. You and Susanne should be commended on how clean and well maintained your cabins and lodge are. I will recommend you to anyone that is looking to go to Canada fishing and I look forward to the time I can come back.

Jody Hansen

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