Dr. Seuss Day

One Fish

Two Fish

Red Fish

Blue Fish

Wishing Sussanne and her school kids a Happy Dr. Seuss Day!

18 thoughts on “Dr. Seuss Day

  1. So poetic! The image of the professor with the red fish coming out of his pants is somewhat disturbing though………

    I don't think we celebrate Dr. Seuss day in Canada……..must be a Wisconsin thing. Since you can't celebrate winning any gold in hockey, I suppose Dr. Seuss is a fall back celebration for you "Americans" !

  2. Now Gord…I'm thinking you got up on the wrong side of the bed again.

    Andy offers Susanne a heartfelt wish and what happens? You mock him. Then you get "somewhat disturbed" with the red fish coming out of my pants. Can't you just accept me for who I am? I've got a mechanical hand, enjoy coloring books, and have a red walleye for a penis. So what? You are so touchy about so many things.

    Let me share a little secret with you. Life becomes a little more pleasanter once you let go of the need to constantly criticize and move towards acceptance. Here's an example. The Canadian team played great hockey and earned the gold medal. I'm very happy for all of Canada. Savor the victory!

    I'm even more pleased that I'm not a citizen of Canada living in Vancouver, B.C. Hosting the Olympic Games is going to cause taxes to rise and services to decline.

  3. O.K….let me try that again. It's so darn hard for me to harness the critical beast within.

    Perhaps my comment was taken the wrong way. I am truly happy for the U.S. and their winning so many silver medals. I am also impressed with your celebration of Dr. Seuss in the U.S. Savor the day!

  4. Gord…I'm sensing that you had a very strong urge to be critical again. But this time you caught yourself. Congratulations! I'll bet you're feeling a wee bit better already. Little steps can take a man a long way.

  5. BABY STEPS BABY STEPS that is what Gord needs.
    As you guy's all know that is Gord's nature always wanting jump on us American's at every chance he has…..
    I think those fantasy's he had back at hunting camp have come back though as he keeps reverting to what someone has in there pants that he does not….
    Now this should stoke the fires a little…..
    Run with it my Canadian friend run with it…..

  6. Well I have to say that this our first celebration of Happy Dr. Seuss Day; I hope it is not the last. Professor Lewis is obviously the intellect of this operation. Now I'm going to go have my green eggs and ham with a fox in socks. Susanne

  7. Oh Gord. We try to compliment Canada for being a good host and making up for their loss to the U.S. in hockey in the first game and what do we get? Sour grapes. After this olympics I was left wondering how long the Olympics will actually continue. The cold war is over. People are raised in one country, move to another, earn a living in another. As I was watching the hockey game, I couldn't help but notice how many of the Canadians play for U.S. hockey teams. Most of them got their college education and experience in the U.S. Heatly was a U.W. alum. Having said all that…on their own home turf, Canada finished third in medals. Not that anyone is counting. Will VBL be giving out third place trophies this year at Walleye Madness?

  8. Oh, Andy……as with the Walleye Madness competition, there is only one trophy. Call it a gold medal for the most fish. As in the Walleye Madness, the Olypics award the runners-up with less than gold…..in my case maybe a t-shirt or hat. So, while the trophy pile may be small (14 I believe), and the t-shirt pile may be large, when the dust settles the glory goes to those with the gold, not the t-shirt or hat.

    I will concede your point on the hockey team. In my opinion the NHL players should not be involved. That is why I cheer loudest for the womens hockey.

  9. In the world of sports, doesn't the home team win the vast majority of the games? The Canadians lost the majority of their events. It also seems to me that large parts of countries like the U.S. never see ice or snow. Which makes me wonder, how do the Canadians do in the summer olympics?

  10. You guys are going to have to cut us neighbours to the North some slack. With our population density, as long as you own a red rider sled and some stretchy pants, you're on the luge/skeleton national team. You are right – we are gloating, but's that only becuase we don't often get the opportunity…TIME FOR A NEW TOPIC GORD…Love, Susanne

  11. This topic has been locked down by Susanne!

    Perhaps I could suggest that we stick to the topics of fishing, Eagle Lake, fishing on Eagle Lake, VBL etc. How about a series of "how to" posts…..I know some of you have a few secrets to share!

    By the way, I was right……

  12. Hi Gord…I love the Electric Beaver. I am struck by the remarkable likeness of you and the picture George Bernard Shaw below – is that your "pen name"? Keep the Blogs coming. Joel

  13. Welcome aboard the Beaver, Joel! You are very astute in you observation…I am beginning to look more like Shaw every day. I think I am also starting to take on the "ornery ol' bastard" personality as well. Some may say I may be mellowing though..

  14. Oh, by the way, in order to keep the interest levels up for some of you "Beaverites", I have added a "Feed the Walleye" deal on the margin, and the "Daily Puppy" at the bottom. This should appeal to those that just prefer to look at the pictures, and skip the big words.

  15. Andy…Well, I'm going to have to agree with you about Susanne. She can be very strict–almost like a dominatrix.

    And, though it hurts me to say this, I'm going to have to agree with Gord–let's start talking fishing. I have a suggestion to keep things relevant to when we expect to be at VBL in 2010.
    For example, I'd like real information concerning successful patterns for fishing smallmouth on Eagle during late May and early June.

    By "real information" I mean first hand experience that you have had. That would not include information from an article you've read or a story that someone told you. Let's talk about what we actually know about.

    Readers of this blog could post a serious question in the hope of receiving a meaningful response from one or more people with "real information".

    I think this approach could help us become more successful during our stay at VBL this year. That's one idea, anyone got a reaction or another idea?

  16. My point exactly Professor. I have a few ideas that I will post. I don't think they need to be in-depth articles, but short, to-the-point tips that have worked in the past. Some people reading this blog may not have the fishing experience and basic information will be helpful. I know from years of fishing with people that if they would just stick with one thing that works, rather than trying out every technique and lure in their tackle box, they would catch more fish.

  17. Ouch. Just trying to promote the fishing literature work of Theodor Seuss Geisel. Some how Gord sets the hook and takes the discussion in the direction of the Olympics? Dr. Seuss day may not be celebrated by all, but here is a little Canadian trivia…. Gerald McBoing-Boing, is an animated television adaptation of Geisel's 1951 cartoon of the same name. Produced in Canada by Cookie Jar Entertainment, it ran from 2005 to 2007. The Shaw comment had me rolling. I just got back from key west where they have an annual Hemmingway (papa) look-a-like competition. Now, if I can't grab this audience with the literary works of "Red Fish Blue Fish" or "Gerald McBoing-Boing", talking about "Old Man and the Sea" is going to be a stretch. This gives me an idea for a future post 🙂

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What sets this lodge apart from most others is it is always clean, well kept with lots to do including paddle boats canoes, bon fires in the evenings and a just plain friendly atmosphere.

Bruce & Sally

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