Eagle Lake Report, Mid Summer, 2011

Chris came all the way from Hawaii to catch a trout!


Mid Summer Eagle Lake Fishing Report…

The days are getting shorter, the nights cooler, and the bugs fewer.  You can definitely tell that we are teetering on the mid-point of the summer season here at Vermilion Bay Lodge .  One of the nice things about Eagle Lake is the variety of fish species that guests are able to chase.

34 inch lake trout


Summer time Lake Trout?

Most folk don’t connect the mid summer period with excellent lake trout fishing.  The simple fact is that if you can put the bait in front of them your chances of tangling with a big lake trout is pretty good.  Case in point, Chris Stearns who adventured all the way from Hawaii to have the Eagle Lake experience.

Whitefish and Lake Trout on the screen!

Location, location, location…

Getting pointed in the right direction is a good start……along with a decent locator and the proper tackle and technique.  This applies to any type of fishing here on Eagle Lake, and lake trout is no more difficult than the rest.  The decision to just give it a try is what stops most people.  Check out the tips section at the Vermilion Bay Lodge website for “how to” advice on all the species we fish for on Eagle Lake.

Fighting a "giant" lake trout...

Losing the “big one”…

Chris’s brother had the opportunity to tie in with a real lunker.  After getting it up to the surface several times they estimated it to be at least a foot longer than Chris’s 34 incher!  A bit of an equipment failure combined with the large size of the beast meant that after almost an hour of fighting the fish it finally came off.

Brad Walker holding his brother Greg's nice 48 inch Eagle Lake muskie....caught on a Mepps #5 maraboo

Muskies on the Eagle Lake Fishing Report…

Well, not all the big ones get away!  Check out these great shots of some mid summer muskie action….

A beautiful 46" muskie caught on a spoon.


Craig Singleton's 45 inch Muskie
Craig with a personal best...45 inch muskie

Big Muskies, Small Baits???

All three of these muskies shown above had one thing in common….all were caught on small baits..!!. When I say small, I mean small!   Now, this is not unheard of, but in my mind it is more than a coincidence that small baits are so effective.  Could it be that the trend towards giant bucktails, rubber baits the size of small children, etc. are more of a marketing ploy than anything else?


Walleye Madness Week, 2011


Trophy awarded at the 2011 "Walleye Madness Week"

We had some great conditions for some excellent walleye fishing during the Vermilion Bay Lodge Walleye Madness Week.  Long time guest, and first time winner, Dan Kornelyk did a marvelous job of coming out ahead of the competition.  He also had the largest walleye released over the 3 day period……a nice 26 1/2 inch walleye.  Congratulations Dan and all those who participated!

Dan Kornelyk, winner of the Walleye Madness week!

A dry summer, especially in the North…

I thought the next picture was pretty dramatic and highlighted the dry conditions, especially a little further to the north.  While the sun and warmth has for the most part made for a nice summer, it certainly has had an negative affect on some tourist operators.


A dramatic forest fire scene in the North.....

I wonder if the conversation inside this cabin might be the following:   “Anyone seen Fred?  I think he went out back to use the outhouse!”

Eagle Lake Fishing Report…continued..

I’ve included a slide show to give you a sense of what mid summer fishing is all about here on Eagle Lake and Vermilion Bay Lodge.  Hope you can join us some year to enjoy this great time of the season….Fish, Relax, Unwind! Stay tuned for another Eagle Lake fishing report coming soon!


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8 thoughts on “Eagle Lake Report, Mid Summer, 2011

  1. Great pics and great post much better with a story line and more pics than before.
    CONGRATS guy’s what looks like a great week!!!!

  2. Gord…You are to be congratulated for assembling this fine post featuring the success of your guests during mid-summer. Well done. I sure would have liked to see a pic of the monstorious laker lost during the long fight. What a pisser. I have spent many days fishing for a giant like this, and would give my remaining good hand for a shot at such a brute.

  3. Congratulations, Greg, a great muskie release! You came all the way from Arizona for your first (and hopefully not last) Vermilion Bay Lodge experience. Upon catching and releasing your big fish: “This makes it all worth it!” Thank you Gord, Susanne and Mike for another wonderful trip.

  4. Excellent post! I will be adding a few posts in the coming weeks from our week at VBL complete with videos and pictures. Which reminds me Gord….who exactly won the video “competition”?


  5. I think the verdict was that there needed to be more than 2 entries to qualify for “competition” status. Was thinking there might have been a few other participants……..apparently they were all afflicted with ” thumb up the arse syndrome”. Sad, very sad…….

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If you like GREAT fishing, hospitality and affordability, Vermilion Bay Lodge is highly recommended. I have been making the trip to Vermilion Bay Lodge for the past 10 years and have never once been disappointed. If you like great walleye, northern, musky and trout fishing, this place should not be overlooked. The fishing has been excellent… no matter what time we went. Gordy and Susanne are wonderful hosts that will make you feel right at home. Check it out – I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.


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