Ice Out 2023: Update #5

A trend is developing….

The creek has open water, the ice is getting dark and we’ve had some rain showers! On a recent road trip to Little Falls, MN we actually saw green grass! Can open water be far behind?

Road trip: Susanne and I spent two days driving the highways of northern MN to our destination…”Little Falls”. Noted as the boyhood home of Charles Lindberg it is also the home to RW Saunas!

Our original sauna came from here 13 years ago. The owner, Seth, makes a great handcrafted barrel sauna!

Strapped down for the ride home. It was a bit of a conversation starter. We made it back safe and sound….and before the rain!

Today is April 27 and as I scan the list of ice out guesses only a handful of you are out of the competition. Still feeling hopeful? Let’s look at the current situation…

Stella and Lilly seem reluctant to get their feet wet. Wondering about water levels? At the height of last springs high water the two poles in the background (with the yellow tips) were barely sticking out of the water. Of course the fire pit was also under water, so we don’t need that again.

Susanne contemplates why I didn’t lift out the steps last fall so that the whole deck wouldn’t heave up in the spring… It’s on my list for “fall, 2023”!

Still waiting to make a guess?

We’re moving in the direction of ice out. I’m not saying there might be some “open” dates still left on the calendar, but don’t let that hold you back. Pick a date and send it to Gord!

4 thoughts on “Ice Out 2023: Update #5

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Thank you very much for making my get a way week so enjoyable. Dan and I had a great time. You and Susanne should be commended on how clean and well maintained your cabins and lodge are. I will recommend you to anyone that is looking to go to Canada fishing and I look forward to the time I can come back.

Jody Hansen

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