More Eagle Lake ice fishing activity…

More Eagle Lake ice fishing…

Susanne meditates on the frozen surroundings
A"tip down" rig waits for a bite
One of many bays that make up Eagle Lake
They're not always big!

Susanne and I decided to check out a few spots that produce walleye in the early spring here on Eagle Lake hoping we would run into a congregating horde of walleye.  We were rewarded with some nice scenery, some fish on the locator, a number of tentative bites that I chalked up to perch, and this feisty yearling.  Perhaps the timing of trying mid-day would be more productive during the late afternoon……we will try these spots another time.

Some “off” Eagle Lake ice fishing…

One of the great things about where we are located on Eagle Lake are the number of portage lakes that can be accessed via trail and snowmobile.  Most of these are great lake trout lakes that cannot be reached by road.  Teggau Lake is one that we sometimes fish and is one of the deepest lakes in our area…..over 500 feet deep!  Story has it that a plane crash some years back ended up with divers being unsuccessful in locating the wreck in the depths….but reports of diver vs. huge lake trout have since circulated.  Susanne and I had an enjoyable day…

Biggest trout of the day.
Tail gate party!

A great end to an Eagle Lake ice fishing day.  Fresh lake trout!

Is there more Eagle Lake ice fishing coming up?  Stay tuned…


40 thoughts on “More Eagle Lake ice fishing activity…

  1. First off nice pics. You know your not suppose to store your auger in the upright position in a hole?
    Nice looking lake trout I will say and I am sure it was released back into the deep waters of Teggau Lake?
    What you don’t want to get the fishy house dirty you have to use the tailgate?
    And as for that walleye I am thinking the one we got this week-end was smaller a very cute little thing but a good thing to see right.
    Good to see you got out and that white stuff on the ice what do they call that?

  2. First off……..bend over….I know where I can store that auger!
    On the lake trout….yes, it was a good one…maybe pushing 10 pounds. Normally not one I would have considered keeping, but since we starting this canning phase I have developed a flaw in my conservation armor. On the other hand you may notice the fish seems bloated and the mouth wide open……for some reason it did not release it’s air bladder like most do…not sure it would have made it anyways. It was still bloated when I took the knife to it. The tailgate seemed better than the kitchen counter. You may have recognized the location of that walleye….one of your normal spring stops in a bay that starts with “S” and is favored by “men”…??? By the way that white stuff is snow. On a more serious topic I think I may have blown the engine on my Bearcat 440…..had to get a tow from Susanne. Probably my punishment for keeping that trout!

    1. That will teach you, you should know better.
      Think you got a 10″ blade on that one so it won’t fit !!!! HAHA!!!
      Nice report anyways even though I was busting your you know

  3. Hi Gord…That’s a nice pile-o-trout you’ve got in the pic. And the inflated trout is impressive. It appears much larger than 10#.You are to be commended for your fishing prowess. However, the report of another blown engine is distressing. I thought you agreed to be vigilant about the use of oil in your engines.

  4. Thanks for the comments. Professor, it turns out that the Arctic Cat has a parts malfunction…..a pin holding the rings in one piston let loose. Apparently a common problem. With 7000 miles on my sled, and no issues thus far, I am prepared to have the cylinder redone and things put back to rights. Besides we do have a “spare” sled.

    Teal River Brad…..the little woman is taking me south in March. I’ve been working on my 12 pack with a strict diet of fish, beer and various cream filled desserts. I suppose you will be wanting a photo shoot of me in my mesh Speedo to be posted on the Beaver? I will be fishing the Sea of Cortez and will be thinking of those unlucky to be stuck in the winter doldrums… Anyone needing a fishing adventure, let me know….

      1. Come on Perchmaster, let those moths out of your wallet! If you come I’ll buy you the best marguarita on the rocks you will ever have. I have a boat booked for two days of fishing but could extend it if you threw in a few$ !!

  5. Gord,

    I think I recognize Burnt Island and a channel Keith and Lovita would know well. I would very much like to see Teggau Lake sometime soon. I agree with the professor….that ten pound looks bigger than that. You are to be congratulated on your photography. This could be two consecutive years for me without going ice fishing. Thanks for booking the August trip. Who knows what spring will bring, but I haven’t ruled out an early trip. Perchmaster…drop me a note regarding your dates for the spring!


  6. I know that Andy is a secret admirer or the “perch” and due to his weak wrist it is his species of choice…….SO…. should the Andy crew decide to show up opening week, I will sponsor a Perch Madness Week……prize for the biggest (is there such a thing?) perch. Of course, it is self serve at the cleaning shack for those striped bastards………

    1. I am thinking the winner of the “PERCH MADNESS” week contest should get a FREE stay for 6 day’s at VBL complimants of you Gord…

  7. While we are on the topic of trout fishing…and I mentioned Teggau Lake… a nearby lake, Buzzard Lake (or on the map called Winnage Lake) is recalled in this email I received from Ron Harris who has a cabin on the West Arm. Ron is a little shy and reluctant to post on the Beaver…..let’s hope we can change that. Anyways, here are some historical recollections from times past…when fishermen were not the sorry state they are today..

    Old tale of Buzzard (Winnange) Lake

    Cira .. 1949.
    Grandfather’s fishing trip on the labour day weekend.
    The fishermen, Ted, Joe, Jim, Henry, Bill, left the camp (near Stanley’s Resort), puttered down the lake, in a 16 ft cedar strip boat being powered by an old 5 hp outboard, to the Buzzard portage. There, they pulled their boat up over the portage (using rollers) and proceeded northward on Buzzard Lake to the open lake opposite the northern sand beach, when a severe weather system came down upon them. Grandfather (Ted) fearing the worst, turned about, without so much as wetting a fishing line, and cautiously made his way back to the Buzzard Portage. Here they sought refuge in the MNR cabin in which there was a wood burning stove and wooden bunks.
    Unfortunately, the boys presence was not appreciated by another couple who also taken refuge there. When the boys wouldn’t leave .. the lady insisted that her husband & she depart and put up a canvas tent in the deluge.
    The boys spent the night drying out their clothing (they didn’t have raincoats), drinking hot water (one can only boil a handful of tea so long) and using firewood as pillows. The rain ceased overnight.
    In the morning, Bill was the first up and saw an otter fishing in the bay. The otter had caught & killed a couple of trout which had washed up onto the shore. Bill took these into the cabin where he roasted the fish on top of the wood stove and the boys enjoyed a fresh fish breakfast.
    The boys then proceeded back up Buzzard, had a successful fishing day. Upon their return to the portage, the honeymooners were gone. The boys then pulled their boat back across the portage (a little easier going downhill), puttering down Eagle to the cabin, where I imagine they had a libation or two.

    A point to remember … life jackets weren’t there, no rain gear, the outboard required frequent filling of a fuel tank atop of the unit and the boat needed constant bailing in the rough water.

    The event is about as accurate as I can recall my forefathers recounting.

    Unfortunately, the MNR cabin is gone. That was History.

    Ron H

  8. I’m a little concerned at the shot of you cleaning fish on the tailgate. Not so much the stability of the board or the tactics utilized with this method, but rather the fact that I don’t see an open can of beer within a 6 foot radius. I thought your beer cooler went hand-in-hand with your cleaning station. Literally.
    On a small side note….is this canned laker going to be available as a garnish to a cocktail or an appetizer on Sunday night fish fries this summer? One can dream anyway.

    Be good.


  9. Gord,

    After a long day of jerking perch you know I need my rest. While I love eating perch, I also enjoy watching you clean perch. It just wouldn’t be the same without this sight. It really pleased me to figure out where we can catch these fish year round!

  10. Perchmaster….regarding the prize you suggest. When you are able to fill the camp opening week, I will consider such a contest. Till then I might spring for a cold O.V.

    Sturno…Thank you for your concern. In the winter months if I am cleaning fish outside, I generally like to do it as quickly as possible….hence the beverage is likely sitting near a warm fire in the lodge. Re: canned lake trout. Since a canned fish still counts as a fish in your possession, I generally consume these as I go. It is not something you want to stock up on. That being said if there is a jar still available I would be happy to put some on a cracker during cocktail hour.

    Andrew…always a kidder. Fortunately, due to your debilitating chronic fatigue syndrome, catching more than 6 or 7 of those “bull perch” would be too much of a strain on your noodle-like arms. In the event that you have a big perch day, you can expect that I will set up a bunk right next to the cleaning table where you will be able to rest and clean fish at the same time. Now that is VBL “wow” service!!

  11. Andy…Gord makes a nice offer with respect to the bunk next to the cleaning table. However, I think the ergonomics of this solution will only be trouble for you, unless the bunk is properly elevated. I’m thinking that a recliner with a cutting board, attached to the arms, would be better for your wrists, arms and back. And this would make for one heck of a You Tube video as well, perhaps titled, “Total Comfort Fileting”. You coud model it off the video, “Total Orgasm”.

  12. Gord,

    I am sure that Mark and Kurt would have no problems with you cleaning all my fish and would not expect such service from the host. I on the other hand am turning in to a grumpy old man and would be in dire need of this service. However, the setup that the Professor describes might work if you had a small (less than 95 pounds) back walker that could relieve my back pain on occasion. Should you advertise for such a position, please emphasize the need for “tender feet”.

  13. I believe what the Professor is describing could be accomplished by renovating the fish cleaning house with a barber’s chair. In my down time from cleaning fish I could do haircuts, shaves, wax-jobs, Brazilians, etc. It might be a money maker! The only “boat-in” barber shop on Eagle Lake….

    1. Think you need to get out and do some more fishing, seems as though this topic has woke everyone up.
      I thought this was a full service camp?
      Fillet and package and ice of your catch!!!!!

  14. Perchmaster….excellent point. I don’t see any fine print mentioning perch. If I make it up, I think we can just put the perch in the sink with a copy of his polcy. I m sure that will do the trick. Of course maybe he will sprinkle some salt and vinegar on them and declare them “canned”?

    1. Yea Andy you know Gord always looking for a way out till you give him a couple of cold one then he loosens up a little.
      A little snack or 2 don’t hurt either!!!

  15. “all fine print is subject to change without notice” The advantage of staying in the fish house whilst the cleaning occurs (rather than taking a nap Andy) is you can be assured that none end up down the hole. Perchmaster brings up a valid point….being sociable (ie drinks and snacks) is always appreciated by the Hard Working VBL staff or management. Maybe the sociability that most Wisconsin guests are known for doesn’t extend over to the Madison region? By the way I have seen some of Chuck’s latest perch carvings that would make a killer trophy……should the perch challenge ever materialize……………

    1. Yea I saw your comment on Facebook Gord and they look awesome.
      Think you should be giving that award out to Mark and myself just for what we have done to promote perching at VBL….
      Yea Andy if your napping during cleaning time your missing some qaulity time down at the ol fish house, you can learn lots. Maybe not from Mike as it taskes a few more beers to get him talking…

  16. This comment is added just to remind Gord that he found a topic that generated “More than 30 comments”. That and to say that I likely got sucked into a work commitment in D.C. for the week of May 21. I may have to retire early like the Professor. This work crap is getting in the way of fishing.

    As for Mike….he’s a good fellow. He even had to do fish cleaning last year for a few days while Gord was playing hooky. Now that I think about it Perchmaster, I bet Gord has some commitments the week of May 21, 2012?

    1. Good point Andy. Could be a busy week, I will have to promote the concept of “freezing your perch whole”. Not only does it look like you caught way more fish, but those innards would make a nice top dressing on the garden.

      Andy, I’m sad you are not up to a challenge during opening week. If you decide to phone in sick at work, things could be a lot of fun here at the lodge.

  17. Looks like Andy “CHICKENS OUT” for the second year in a row for a challenge of perching with us.
    Hey Mike did a lot of cleaning and cleaning of perch to boot last year. He could probably fill those shoes of his father with no problem.
    We probably could get away with just about anything that week.

    1. Hi Neil…..we’ve had a mild winter too, but conditions are excellent for ice fishing right now. About 2 feet of ice and maybe a foot of snow. No slush that I have seen. Trout are biting good…….I’ll be fishing hard Friday and Saturday so look for a new post coming soon.

  18. I’ll be up there on march 3rd. I plan on fishing eagle, and going on some adventures off of deer trail road… Just wanted to make sure there won’t be any trouble with lack of snow or thick ice!

  19. Neil,

    We fully expect a progress report including top secret trips off of Deer Trail road. If you write in pig latin it should be safe from the eyes of non-VBL guests.


  20. Gord i would luv to hit some lakers this winter..i live about 16 hours away but i was thinking abour comeing up this year if your intrested in goin out shoot me an emsil..thanks justin!!

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If you like GREAT fishing, hospitality and affordability, Vermilion Bay Lodge is highly recommended. I have been making the trip to Vermilion Bay Lodge for the past 10 years and have never once been disappointed. If you like great walleye, northern, musky and trout fishing, this place should not be overlooked. The fishing has been excellent… no matter what time we went. Gordy and Susanne are wonderful hosts that will make you feel right at home. Check it out – I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.


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