November 18, 2020


Sunrise over new ice.

A stiff wind across the frozen bay makes for poor tanning conditions down on the deck.
Docks anticipating higher water and less ice for next season.

November 18th is probably one of the latest dates that I can remember seeing the bay finally freeze over. It has been an above average fall in terms of temperature. Let’s see a few images from not long ago…

November sunset looking east.
October sunrise.

Even though the boats have been put to bed, Susanne & I threw a small boat into the truck and headed out on our annual late fall splake fishing adventure…

Good view from the “boat launch”…
I’m frozen!
Not big, but great for a couple of meals.


Seems there are still a lot of questions about how things might play out for next season. There is positive news in terms of potential vaccines and there has been some limited trials for allowing cross border travel. While we can’t make definitive predictions we are nonetheless optimistic about getting things back to normal in the near future. For all our guests who pushed their reservations ahead to 2021, thank you and we will be touching bases with you in the New Year to remind you of your reservation dates. For our guests that decided to wait a bit before re-booking we would suggest that you contact us as soon as possible to lock something in for 2021. Availability is very limited and for that reason we have decided to wait awhile longer before booking in any “new” customers until those with outstanding deposits have a chance to rebook.

So there you have it folks….a brief update on some of what has gone on up here this fall. Stay tuned for more ice fishing updates this winter; we are staying home!

22 thoughts on “November 18, 2020

  1. thank you for sharing these amazing photos. So hard not to be on the lake this year…..hope you have a wonderful winter and will see you in the spring.

  2. Enjoy the “sunrise over new ice” photos. I froze my a** off in a windstorm taking those pictures early morning while Gord was gently snoring…

  3. That Splake fishing trip is a great tradition! I am hopeful that perhaps a vaccination card and maybe even a negative test within 48 hours of a border crossing might get us there. I will remain hopeful as I am not sure I could go another year without a trip or two to VBL. Please stay healthy and optimistic for a better year in 2021!

  4. Thanks for this post; it helps me deal with a severe case of “VBL deprivation”, something I contracted this past summer.
    Susanne–If your ass has not defrosted by now, I urge you to seek professional help immediately.

  5. Amazing photo of sunrise by a woman whose ass froze off! Miss you guys and your piece of heaven. Hope you’ve got lots of wood ready for the stove and fireplace.

  6. Hey Susanne,

    Now you know how I feel. I was born without a butt. All the men in my family wear suspenders. Better stock up. Hope to see you and Gord in the spring. Sorry you can’t go to the warmth of the south this winter. Try to stay warm!!!

    Joe Posont

      1. Susanne…I urge you to maintain the “regime”. Letting up could result in developing “trout waist”, and it’s very difficult to get rid of, speaking from experience. Regarding your lost ass–you are not alone so don’t despair. There is a company in Greenland named Asses “R” Us. They make life-like replacement asses based on photos. They also make celebrity asses that can be fit for you. The J.Lo and Kim Kardashian models are very popular.

  7. Was this blog entry about ice or ass? Could be a topic of conversation better suited to the screen perch. 2020 is the first time in 35 years that I didn’t go to Canada on at least one Muskie trip. My argument skills are deteriorating, and I may forget the way to Eldorado! The boat has become just another horizontal surface in the garage, and if the border closures continue, it may be less expensive to buy a fishing lodge than to stay at one. Maybe Gord should just hire all his guests, and declare them “Essential Workers”?

    1. Seems that “ass” is a popular subject, and perhaps should be the focus of a future blog post.

      Len, I’m saddened to hear about the loss of your “skills of argument”. Fortunately it shouldn’t be too hard to regain the skill of talking loudly while confusing fiction with fact. A little porch time will get you back up to speed.

      Let’s hope for improvements in 2021!

      In the meantime everyone please wear a mask, wash your hands, and don’t touch your ass!

    2. Len, I’ll put you on a personalized remediation programme once you get back up here. Your skills in verbal jousting and repartee will bloom under my tutelage…even with the loss of my ass…

  8. Ass is like energy in that it can neither be created nor destroyed. Every ass that is lost, is gained by someone else. As for tutelage; when i was younger, i tried to enlist in the military. I scored in the top 1% on the aptitude tests, and failed the psychological tests. I was told that I am “absolutely un-trainable”. I will, however, submit to coaching if there is no teacher finger involved, and you promise not to hit me again 🙂

    1. Len, why doesn’t this “new information” about your formative years surprise me? As for my methods, no promises…with a tough nut like you, I need every strategy in my tool kit!

  9. The verbal jousting is probably what is bringing some levity to a very grave health issue and I for one really appreciated the opportunity of reading and enjoying such levity. I truly hope that the boarders open in 2021 so that ‘we’ can once again enjoy bounties of Eagle Lake and continue to pass those riches onto our family’s next generation.
    It is interesting to note, that Gord has a breakup tournament, but not one for freezeup.
    Keep up the good work on the ‘blog’ – us city bound types require a return to realism.
    Thank you Gord

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If you’re looking for an outstanding vacation spot for the serious fisherman or a family get away you should consider Vermillion Bay Lodge on Eagle Lake, Ontario Canada. We have stayed at many lake resorts over the years, but none offer the simple pleasures of this one. The lake is large enough and holds enough fish for the most adventuresome fisherman and yet easy for local family fishing for young children. Bring your own boat or use one of the aluminum boats (20 hp) at the lodge. Boat dockage is well protected from the wind and allows easy access to the water.

What sets this lodge apart from most others is it is always clean, well kept with lots to do including paddle boats canoes, bon fires in the evenings and a just plain friendly atmosphere.

Bruce & Sally

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