November Moose Hunt

Frost covered pond on the portage trail

As I scraped the frost off the boat seats in the early morning darkness I had to question the logistics of this Canadian moose hunt adventure.  Not only do I not know what I’m doing, but the destination back in Long Lake begs the question “How much work will it be to get a moose home from there?”.  Never one to dwell on the practicalities I stifle all common sense issues….besides I have enlisted some help.

Trail end.
At the end of the trail

 A November moose hunt strategy…

We leave the dock with four on board.  Son Mike, who has supposedly brought all the necessary tools in a trendy burlap sack.  Dean Spychalski from Green Bay, Wi who is an award-winning taxidermist (Big Timber Taxidermy) and Jeff Busch from Cecil, Wi who is a competitive archer and owns Arrow Flite Archery  Both Dean and Jeff have been up deer hunting and being successful they are now looking for a diversion…..what better diversion than a moose hunt?  Besides, Dean claims to be able to call for moose.  We will put this to the test.  I need all the help I can get!

Scouting for moose
Mike keeps an eye peeled for moose

 The moose hunt begins…

I must say that I have never walked the portage trail so early in the morning.  Frosty and quiet….the only sign of life is some hairy wolf poop decorating the top of a boulder.  With four guys in a boat it is a slow ride across Clearwater Lake to the “spot”.  We hunker down for the moose hunt.

Sunrise on Long Lake...hiding in the grass

Dean does a respectable job of imitating a cow moose longing for a handsome bull……and even throws in the odd bull grunt to boot.  Thrashing the brush with a canoe paddle seems to be the icing on the cake.  There is no way a moose will be able to resist this ploy.  I’m ready to pull the trigger…

Jeff laying in wait
Jeff manning the binoculars

 The moose hunt continues…

Why are there fish surfacing on Long Lake?  When will the moose surface?  Should I eat my Halloween treats?  Time moves on…Dean’s calling is starting to sound more determined.

Hiding in the weeds
The shooter....maybe

 A moose hunt winds down…

Timing seems to be the issue that is working against us.  The moose rut apparently is over and the lure of a female moose calling is only giving the bull a migraine…or so it seems.  Never the less, we gave it a shot so perhaps some scouting around will give us an answer.

Dean with his trophy bull moose

 Moose hunt success!

The moose wallow that I was confident in still being active was alas frosty and undisturbed since my last visit.  The rut is done…..and so are we.  But wait!  What is this?  A moose artifact gives us the satisfaction of actually bagging a moose without the bother of carrying out hundreds of pounds of meat.

Heading home

 Moose hunt conclusion…

While the moose hunt for this day may be over, I still have my “plan B”.  This I will keep under my hat and will report back when and if successful.  As for Dean, his calling is rewarded with a rather weathered bull moose.

Moose group
Mike, Gord, Dean, Jeff....and Lucy's rear end

Back at the ranch we pose for the camera.  Lucy seems nonchalant about our successful November moose hunt!

10 thoughts on “November Moose Hunt

  1. Nice to see you are always up for a challenge Gord… I have never known you to not want to try something out of the ordinary.
    Keep us posted on plan “B” I am sure it will have a hell of a story behind it if it is tried.

  2. Am totally and completely envious .. what an environmental difference from city towers to the woods of Northwestern Ontario .. what is plan B?

    1. Ron, I can’t divulge the secrets of “Plan B” just yet, but I promise to do so in a future post. In the meantime try grunting like a bull moose on a busy city street and report back to us!

  3. I am guessing that if he follows your direction Gord he won’t be reporting back to us he will get picked by a semi….
    We will give you time but plan “B” needs to be revealed

  4. Gord,

    I have never had the opportunity to hunt moose but have seen them up close and personal when hunting elk. I’m sure the Wisconsin boys will do their part in getting you that moose!


    1. All I can say Andy is plan “B” is still in the mental planning stage. I have a bull moose tag and another option of where to find one (reliable reports!!) I also have a doe or buck tag should the moose not materialize. I believe our season lasts until mid December so…….. Of course I need to squeeze in a Kansas pheasant hunt. Plan “c” is to buy some beef at the Co-op!

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What sets this lodge apart from most others is it is always clean, well kept with lots to do including paddle boats canoes, bon fires in the evenings and a just plain friendly atmosphere.

Bruce & Sally

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