Team Vollmer……….

It was pointed out to me after the last issue of the VBL newsletter “The Beaver” was mailed out that I had neglected to mention some of the bass that were caught last season. Whoops! As Joe Vollmer (above) pointed out to me “Some of us are bass fishermen first, and we love the smallmouth fishing up there!”. In an effort to correct my oversight I present “Team Voller, 2010”.

Glen and Shawn Vollmer with a brace-o-bass. When, almost 20 years ago, we had bought the camp who should be the first one to phone about booking a cabin but Glen. Since then the brothers Vollmer have spent many, many 2 week stints at the lodge chasing bass, drinking martinis and smoking cigars.

It looks like all their practise has paid off. Even “rough fish” such as walleye have fallen victim to their expertise.

It’s great to have guests like the Vollmers who really enjoy the experience here at VBL and we hope to have them back for the next 20 years!

6 thoughts on “Team Vollmer……….

  1. Well now you have done it Gord. It seems to me you owe the Perchmaster a post on "bull" perch. And how about honoring the most pale guest at VBL with a whitefish post? We are after all talking about a diverse fishery at VBL.

    Thanks for another great issue of the traditional Beaver.

  2. I will get to work on that Andy…..I may have to reach back in the archives for "back in the day photos" when the Perchmaster was still a "hot stick". Mostly lip-flapping these days…..

  3. Perchmaster…I'm sorry that Gord has decided to speak about you in an unflattering way for all the world to see. Sadly, I may have provoked him by observing that his writing style in the hard copy Beaver was rather tame and lacking in tasteless comments. Now it appears that he's gone in the opposite extreme to compensate.

    Please know that I consider you to be a hot stick/lip-flapping marvel of a man and the greatest perch angler fishing out of VBL.

  4. WOW First I guess I have to say a BIG THANKS to Professor for his kind remarks.
    Andy you do not have to give Gord any amo on me..
    Now getting to Gord the grey haired Bastard…
    I got photos Gord of perch and we have gone easy on you the last couple of years but now we will be bringing back a limit of perch for you to clean and I will along with my partner Mark Misky be drinking all your beer while you do this to perfection.
    Lip flapping OK no more good post for you bragging about the great job you use to do running your camp. Only way for forgiveness on this is a 40% discount on my bill this year.
    And yes I will agree I was very dissapointed in the paper beaver this year with no slingging of mud going on. Guess the grey haired one had no amo this year since 2 of his regulars failed to make a trip in May with us this year for the first time in what 15 + years….

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On behalf of the Boyes Group, I would like to pass on our sincere thanks for hosting the Muskie Madness Week and we thoroughly enjoyed our stay at VBL and had a great time!! This was our 7th year on Eagle Lake and we have stayed at a few other lodges but VBL takes the cake hands down! You can definitely count us in for next year. I’m happy to see you post some of my pics, they turned out well. Thanks again Gord for a wonderful week of fishing and your stellar hospitality, you run a first class operation, we look forward to seeing you next year!

Trevor Benner

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