The Ice Melt Continues…..

It’s not looking good for an April 30th ice out. I perused the predictions that everyone sent in…..thank you by the way for the very thorough use of every possible date imaginable. Will I have enough hoodies if May 8th wins? A very popular date. Well, in the spirit of joining in on the fun here is my guess. Let me first say that I am picking this date because nobody else did. Also, if I win I will decline the prize. I will, however, lord over all the rest of the “losers”….in a gracious sort of way, of course.! I almost forgot….my guess is May 12th.

One thought on “The Ice Melt Continues…..

  1. May 12th? I am kind of surprised that you picked such a late date for ice out Gord since the ice is moving away a little and the forecast is warmer temps your way.
    I think I would rethink my guess if I could and say May 4th would be a good guess.
    Keep the pics coming at least it will make us feel as though we are there sitting and sipping on Canadian beer.
    By the way 24 day’s and who counting!!!!

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On behalf of the Boyes Group, I would like to pass on our sincere thanks for hosting the Muskie Madness Week and we thoroughly enjoyed our stay at VBL and had a great time!! This was our 7th year on Eagle Lake and we have stayed at a few other lodges but VBL takes the cake hands down! You can definitely count us in for next year. I’m happy to see you post some of my pics, they turned out well. Thanks again Gord for a wonderful week of fishing and your stellar hospitality, you run a first class operation, we look forward to seeing you next year!

Trevor Benner

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