The Mystery of "The Professor's Hand"….

While we bide our time till the first fishing reports roll in let’s consider this picture. A man, on Eagle lake, in a boat, with a walleye, white socks*, a sly smile, and a prosthetic hand. The mystery of the “green glove”. Has anyone actually seen the Professors hand? Note how the supposed “limb” actually extends further than normal……and at an unnatural angle. Perhaps the walleye is a fake as well? Really, who is the Professor….and why is this picture so disturbing?

*Sung to the tune “White socks, Red neck & Blue Ribbon beer”…..


14 thoughts on “The Mystery of "The Professor's Hand"….

  1. We have been so intrigued by the prosthetic hand that I have booked room and board at the Vermillion Bay Lodge and will be there on Saturday the 23rd. We will do a first hand forensics investigation and will post all findings on the blog once we have had enought time to review the findings.


  2. Gord,

    When you say (in the previous post) that you have seen the green glove “work its magic”, what exactly are you refering to?

    Once you get past the glove, and the occassional clown makeup he’s been known to wear, you come to realize that the man knows how to fish. Yes, he was humbled last year, but I seem to recall that he was the Walleye Champ in 2007? If you see the man with the glove in 2009, be sure to ask him a few questions. You might learn something!

  3. Thank you Anonymous for some disturbing images involving the green glove.

    I agree, the Professor has a wealth of knowledge. He was able to single-handedly teach the Iowa boys how to use bottom bouncers to catch walleyes. Turned them from “20 inch pike guys” into “lunker walleye anglers” after a single seminar! I too have cracked the deep water bite after following the Professors lead.

  4. You would think that this might serve notice to people that they need to check often to protect their dignity? Has the Professor lost all of his pride? Is he sulking? Is he oiling his prosthetic hand after a wet day of fishing? We may have to rely on Neil for the real scoop.

  5. If this serves a purpose to awaken the sleeping VBL masses, then let the dignity bashing continue! Thank you to Neil, Dustin, Andy, Perchmaster for adding their two cents to this blog. Some others prefer to lurk in the shadows, afraid perhaps to draw attention. We all know that this is followed by compromising photos. Let it be known that I have plenty of such photos (well, not for Dustin or Neil, as they are not yet indoctinated into the VBL family yet), and I am prepared to use them! So, speak up and avoid the humiliation.

  6. I feel the need, no I feel compelled to purchase a set of green rubber gloves now before we leave for VBL this afternoon.
    We have loaded up the Tundra, and hooked up the Lund. I’m still waiting on my old man to drive up from the farm and we are out of here.

    We are so looking forward to the joining the VBL family and the compromising photos!

    If my dignity is going to be bashed, I too am going down with the green glove on.

    Wow – that paints an ugly picture!

  7. Gord…I think it may be time to introduce a signature series VBL green glove? It could be a real profit center with the endorsement of the Professor? What’s happening with the early bite?


  8. My only experience with the bite came today when I took a motor into McGregor Lake. I trolled Clearwater for about half an hour. Marked a lot of trout in 15 to 30 feet. Caught 3 on a crank bait and lost several others. Water temps in there are 44.5 C. which is about 2 degrees C colder than Eagle. All round, still pretty cold. From people I have talked to the walleye bite is on in or near spawning areas. Slow presentations such as Lindy Rigs are about the only thing working though.

    I’m having trout on the grill tonight for supper!

  9. Gord,

    Why don’t you do some creative editing on the following lyrics to come up with a song that fits the professor. To see what Dennis Hopper had to say about those Heineken drinkers see:

    Johnny Russell
    Red Neck, White Socks And Blue Ribbon Beer (1973)

    There’s no place that I’d rather be than right here With my red neck, white socks and Blue Ribbon Beer

    The barmaid is mad cause some guy made a pass
    The jukebox is playing “There Stands The Glass”
    The cigarette smoke kind of hangs in the air
    Red necks, white socks and Blue Ribbon Beer

    A cowboy is cussing the pinball machine
    A drunk at the bar is getting noising and mean
    Some guy on the phone says I’ll be home soon dear
    Red necks, white socks and Blue Ribbon Beer

    No we don’t fit in with that white-collar crowd
    We’re a little too rowdy and a little too loud
    There’s no place that I’d rather be than right here With my red neck, white socks and Blue Ribbon Beer

    The semis are passing on the highway outside
    The four thirty crowd is about to arrive
    Sun’s going down and they’ll all soon be here
    Red neck, white socks and Blue Ribbon Beer

    No we don’t fit in with that white-collar crowd
    We’re a little too rowdy and a little too loud
    There’s no place that I’d rather be than right here With my red neck, white socks and Blue Ribbon Beer

    There’s no place that I’d rather be than right here With my red neck, white socks and Blue Ribbon Beer

  10. Green Glove, White Socks, and Old Tawny Port
    sung to the Johny Russel tune.

    Theres no place I’ld rather be than VBL with my green glove, white socks, and Old Tawny Port.

    The Professor is back, to make another pass,
    across the mudflats of the “Straits of Gull Isle”
    while the motor exhaust kinda hangs in the air,
    Green glove, white socks, and Old Tawny Port.

    Back at the lodge, Earl is in a drunken rage,
    cussing the Professor, “He’s full of shit”.
    Pass the crawlers, it’s another hawg walleye,
    Green glove, white socks, and Old Tawny Port.

    The boats pass by the Walleye Highway nearby,
    lake trout passageway, walleye mecca, pike await.
    The Professors Crestliner crouches at the dock.
    Green glove, white socks, and Old Tawny Port.

    No we don’t fit in with that two-handed crowd,
    My mechanical hand is beginning to twitch,
    There’s no place I’ld rather be than VBL with
    my green glove, white socks, and Old Tawny Port.

    There’s no other place that will let me stay with
    my green glove, white socks, and Old Tawny Port.

  11. On May 22nd Gord mentioned he was going to have trout on the grill?
    WOW I must have missed that treat!!!!
    I feed the guy all week and he hides the trout on the "BARBIE"
    I did get in on the smoke trout that Mike made one evening maybe that is what Gord was refering to, It was good and any of you visiting should have them make this for you.
    "VERY TASTY" as one family member would put it

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If you’re looking for an outstanding vacation spot for the serious fisherman or a family get away you should consider Vermillion Bay Lodge on Eagle Lake, Ontario Canada. We have stayed at many lake resorts over the years, but none offer the simple pleasures of this one. The lake is large enough and holds enough fish for the most adventuresome fisherman and yet easy for local family fishing for young children. Bring your own boat or use one of the aluminum boats (20 hp) at the lodge. Boat dockage is well protected from the wind and allows easy access to the water.

What sets this lodge apart from most others is it is always clean, well kept with lots to do including paddle boats canoes, bon fires in the evenings and a just plain friendly atmosphere.

Bruce & Sally

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