The week of May 27 to June 3…..

The second week of the season and things were wet and cold for a few days but it seems like decent weather has finally arrived.  Here’s a few of the photo’s that were shared this week.  Some great trout, bass and pike action….with the occasional accidental musky.  The walleye fishing was slow but there was plenty of action for those that “went with the flow”…  The weather should help get the walleyes moving for next week.  Stay tuned!

Good fun on the portage lakes.
The fish house Pepsi cooler….a bit rusty, but with an ice cold heart.
Dustin with a 20 inch smallie.
Stormy skies.


The next generation of fish, and fisherman….

A hefty smallmouth bass!
A young musky..
More post rain shots…..nice!
The working end of the Beaver float plane….
Jen delivers me and a motor to Caribou Lake.
A Clearwater lake trout…
VBL boats stopping for lunch.
A happy camper with a nice pike.
Brad with a good looking fish.
Finally some clearing sky after two wet days…
Some early entries on the fish house boards….
Another great Sunday night fish fry!
Rainbow over VBay

For those who participated in the ice out contest you might be interested in this picture of Dustin Kaehr collecting his winnings (he chose a stylish VBL sweatshirt).  Some might say the envelope contained a cash payoff to the lodge owner for his selection, but that would be only the few, bitter individuals who have a hard time losing.  Better luck next year……….congratulations Dustin!

Finally, let’s have another look at that great picture of Ethan Amstutz hoisting a trophy smallmouth bass.  Good job Ethan!

This picture says it all…

4 thoughts on “The week of May 27 to June 3…..

  1. Those are awesome pictures !!! Especially Ethan with that pig of a smallmouth. I feel very small now since Ethan caught that trophy and I had to hump it all the way into Caribou last year to catch an 18 1/2″ fish. Speaking of Caribou, a real Sasquatch kinda dude would have humped that motor in on his back instead of taking the easy way out……..unless of course , you got to fly the plane

    See you sooner than you probably want to see me


    1. You are correct in the sense that any fish accidentally caught before the season is open should be released as quickly as possible. Doing a water release isn’t possible in all cases depending on how the fish is hooked. In these cases snapping a quick picture before you release it isn’t going to do it further harm…….especially in the cold water found in early June.

      You have a good point though, and targeting these fish before the season is illegal, but accidental catches are common. Doing your best to release the fish in a timely and healthy manner is important. If at all possible and if safe, release the fish without removing it from the water. Smaller fish such as those pictured are the easiest to release with minimal stress…….

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Thank you very much for making my get a way week so enjoyable. Dan and I had a great time. You and Susanne should be commended on how clean and well maintained your cabins and lodge are. I will recommend you to anyone that is looking to go to Canada fishing and I look forward to the time I can come back.

Jody Hansen

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