2021…is this the denouement?

The 2021 season ends when the fat musky sings…

…or was that when the fat lady sings? We’ll go with the fat musky, as it’s more politically correct, plus Susanne just caught one a couple days ago (seen above) while wallye fishing. Since she didn’t want to hold it, here it is in its glory…

One thing is for sure, the walleye fishing improved in that spot once we convinced Mr. Musky to leave the area.

Denouement (def): the outcome of a complex sequence of events (I had to look it up too)

It has been an interesting, yes, complex too, series of events over the past couple of years to bring us to this point in time…..an “outcome” if you feel there has been some conclusion. Speaking of this point in time, apparently I will have to retrace my steps to go from now to sometime closer to the beginning of September when I last posted. This takes me to the days preceding and following the 2021 Musky Madness week (October 3 through 7)

Musky Madness…the week in review…

Weather was not what one might want for it to be prime musky conditions…….but it was beautiful, warm and stable. Consider the evidence…

Susanne and Mary in for a dip on October 1…

Of course, as it usually happens musky were caught before the actual tournament as well as after. Here are the results for the 2021 Musky Madness week:

  • Fifth Place…Chris Pairolero…32″
  • Fourth Place...Kelly D….35 1/2″
  • Third Place…Len Belpedio…40 1/4″
  • Second Place…Tim McCarthy…42″
  • First Place…Cal Johnson…44″

Biggest Northern went to Len Belpedio with a 40 inch fish.

Best photo submitted for the tournament went to Tim McCarthy for his “How to hold a 30 1/2″ walleye” composition.

When a walleye is so big you hold it like a musky!
Len with a nice entry, and a 8 foot measuring board.
Cal with what I think is his winner….
This entry for the photo contest was rejected by the judges. “Hey! Some people swim in that water!”

Some fish before and after the tourney…

A fatty after the fact.
Joe Pairolero preferring to catch his muskies after the competition!
Interesting tiger musky!
He’s on a roll…
Some pre-fishing before the competition.

Scenic intermission…

Dry dock?
Early morning mallards.

Musky Madness Awards Night

This year we held the tournament awards night & steak fry in the lodge. A good time was had by all!

Cal was the star of the night.
Team Ranger boat….always relaxed.
Those early 10 o’clock mornings paid off!
Len was crushed when he found out the Bath & Beauty bag did not contain hair dye or wrinkle putty.

Musky Madness 2022…September 21 to 28…Mark your calendar!

Now, let’s check out a few pics from earlier in September…

Bob Swanson and daughters……a good day on Clearwater Lake including a shore lunch! (I need to get a pair of those hiking sandals!)
Jim Stanzel proving that clothes make the fisherman.
Jon Mauer showing the proper “Perch Master” photo technique…….no smile, legs wide, winning crotch reveal, extreme arm extension….perfect.

So what’s left to do…?

With the forcast showing some more normal cooler temperatures heading our way it’s time to put the portage lake boats to bed…….Clearwater & McGregor lakes. I haven’t made it back to Caribou Lake since 2019…it will be interesting to check that out next year!

Cabins have long since been cleaned, stripped and winterized. We did buy two new stoves for cabins 3 & 4 which will be hooked up next spring. The mother-in-law cabin has been getting a facelift with new siding, roofing and a screened porch on the front…..this is almost complete. I’m hoping to get at least the floor done on a porch addition to cabin 5 before the snow flies. Hardly leaves me any couch time!

Thank you to everyone who has patiently waited to get back up here. A bunch of you will finally make it back up next spring and summer. We look forward to it!

Gord & Susanne and the basil of 2021.
R.I.P. Ron Zahrt…always remember the good times!

7 thoughts on “2021…is this the denouement?

  1. I took a good look at Len’s fish on his 7′ measuring board and determined it couldn’t be a hair longer then 40 1/8″?

    It looks like a good time was had by all.

  2. Ron will be missed! I checked the measuring board and found it was closer to 40 17/64; but who really cares? A great time was had amongst good friends, with good whiskey, and a couple of fine cigars. What more could you ask!

  3. I just got off the toilet and viewed what might be considered a denouement. This was not anything like Len’s 40″+ musky, but it was respectable.

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This is a first class resort located on Vermillion Bay on Eagle Lake. The cabins are very clean and well kept. The boats are new with new motors and are in great shape. The owner will also clean your fish for you after your day on the water. Make no mistake the fishing on Eagle Lake is world class.

The Lodge is owned by Gord and Susanne Bastable who will make you feel welcome and before you know it you feel like family. They are the best of hosts. The atmosphere is low key and laid back leading to a great vacation.

This is my 19th year of enjoying the hospitality of the lodge and i can’t think of going anywhere else on Eagle Lake.


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