charles W. Weiss June 30, 2009 at 7:17 pm Reply Great Old photograph in what I call"Living black and white.Authentic Pike slime on the car roof?I'm glad I was able to send it over to you Gord.Chuck in Torontosee the new Electric BEAVER lOGO ON MY WEBSITEhttp://WWW.charlesweissart.COM
Perchmaster July 1, 2009 at 12:12 am Reply Big fish tales-Great B/W photo one must really enjoy looking back at old photos from the day's where you could not catch enough to take home.Gone are those day's and now we have slot size and limits!!!! How great of an idea to help bring back our great fisheries.Like the tale about the walleye with the pike in it's mouth, sounds like a BS alert is ready to be handed out again!!!!!!HAHAHA!!!Glad to hear that you opened up the pen and released a few of those eyes Gord, now everyone knows where to find those marble eyes!!Look forward to reading some more great story's at VBL soon!!!Good Luck fishing.
DustinK July 1, 2009 at 1:10 am Reply OK…what a great photo! But, how big is that Pike on the roof….HOLY SMOKES!!! Hope you guys are good!!
Perchmaster July 1, 2009 at 9:58 pm Reply Hey Dustin how things going?Yea I was thinking along the same lines you were, those pike must be planted on one of Gords match box cars!!! HAHAHA!!!
Andy Lewis July 3, 2009 at 6:35 pm Reply You might notice, that back in the good old days real men didn't wear protective gloves?