August 16 “Border Opens…Fish Fears Grow amid Angler Invasion”

Yes, the yanks are back in town and the walleyes are protesting…

…apparently by throwing themselves at their hooks! The past Wednesday saw a parade of southern folk arriving at the VBL border…some might even say a “caravan”. The VBL bead curtain and hedge restraining walls were no match for these fevered migrants fleeing the lack of fish in their homeland… Let’s highlight the first wave…

Always the first to the party, Team Lewis……Dick, Andy and Steve. What adventures await this whimsical trio?
Fresh from the corn belt, Team Heenan…Ray, Mike & Jim. Long time Eagle Lakers, they travel well stocked with a trailor full of wine, women and song…
Every camp needs their “sleeper inners”…..Bryan, Leon, Len and Bart. Bart, seen here, happily exclaiming “Hey, look what I made!”
Finally, Brad (a.k.a. Bad Brad) and newcomer Patrick….a year and a half of Canadian fishing they hope to make up for!

What about the border!??

After a somewhat dismal start on Monday with up to 8 hour wait times at the Fort Frances border crossing, our Wednesday arrivals all breezed through with virtually no wait times. There were no issues at the border and things are working well. One pro tip: On the Arrive Canada app you will be required to have an address for a quarantine location (should you need to)…the address you want is the lodge (202 Lakeshore Drive, Vermilion Bay Ontario, P0V2V0). Just remember the postal code has zeroes, not the letter “o”…….it will not accept the latter. Some might find that frustrating (Brad). Watch in the comment section as I’m sure others might have suggestions based on their experiences. Bottom line……get vaccinated and come on up!

Flaming Walleyes…

Some might say the walleyes are on fire. There seems to be no shortage of eaters and many have commented on some strong year classes. We’ve also had some dandy’s caught and released in the past few days, plus 3 pike over 35″ and a good day on Clearwater Lake for Team Andy…

The pike, trout and whitefish were cooperative……as were the bass, but a guy can only tote so many fish over the 1/2 mile trail. Good thing Dick is built like a race horse! The trail did take it’s first victim of 2021 however, as Steve left most of one knee on the trail. Not wanting to leave his alchohol in the cabin to the other two, he did tough it out and make it home. Way to go!
Steve with 27 1/2 inch walleye……one of several he’s caught this week.
Dick with a good one. Just remember Dick, the perch need to be ten inches or bigger!
Mike Heenan with a chunky 36 inch pike caught with Greg @

The VBL fish fry back in action?

This past Sunday we hosted a modified “outdoor” fish fry which seemed to be a big hit with the guests in camp. We’ve been on the fence about hosting a fish fry since Covid rules don’t allow us to gather indoors in large groups. Depending on weather and availability of whitefish we will try and put one together for the remainder of the season…stay tuned!

Rick seems content with the outdoor potato cooking arrangements……more salt!!
More fish going down the hatch.
Camp director Susanne posing by the basil and pansies.
A quiet nook for all the introverts to gather……..could be time for a new hat Gord.
Mary, Martine, Brad and Pat…….fish-o-rama!
The Lindmeier men hard at it.

More in depth coverage to follow…

Well, this was a taste of what to expect and what is going on at VBL. The water levels continue to dip but we’re hopeful that we can make it all work to the end of the season. We’re going into October this year so give us a call if you have the urge. Signing out for now……..

Stella…dreaming of dinner.

4 thoughts on “August 16 “Border Opens…Fish Fears Grow amid Angler Invasion”

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Thank you very much for making my get a way week so enjoyable. Dan and I had a great time. You and Susanne should be commended on how clean and well maintained your cabins and lodge are. I will recommend you to anyone that is looking to go to Canada fishing and I look forward to the time I can come back.

Jody Hansen

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