Author: Andy

The “eyes” have it….

As it turns out, the evening bite continues on the bay. I caught a nice 26" walleye last night while…

The evening bite is on….wish you were here!

Well its been a week and we have been focusing on the early morning fishing. Tonight we went out after…

Is it Spring, Summer, or Fall at VBL?

The professor and I are wrapping up our first week here at VBL and I have to say, its been…

Ode to the fish gods

The professor and I routinely burn a little incense and then flush a few rapalas down the toilet prior to…

Big Papa?

In an earlier post, Joel from the All Canada show suggested that Gord was beginning to look a bit like…

Dr. Seuss Day

One FishTwo FishRed FishBlue FishWishing Sussanne and her school kids a Happy Dr. Seuss Day!

Clearwater Lake….All to ourselves!

As some of you know, in low water conditions, VBL guests are the only ones who can access Clearwater lake…

I don't like spiders and snakes

However, there are many opportunities for large pike....often overlooked by people who are pursuing musky. The following pics are a…

I don’t like spiders and snakes

Nobody likes to be overwhelmed by a school of skinny "snake" northerns. Perchmaster, you have undoubtedly experienced this while fishing…

Christmas Gift Suggestions for Gord….

I think it's time for a new post. This is your opportunity to suggest Christmas presents for Gord. Perhaps a…

While Gord is sleeping the boys will play

While things have gone quite to the North, the fish are still biting in the bannana belt. The Professor, Wild…

Vern “Andy” Anderson passes away, 10-11-09

I am sad to report that my father-in-law Vern "Andy" Anderson passed away today. I'm glad he was able to…

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Thank you very much for making my get a way week so enjoyable. Dan and I had a great time. You and Susanne should be commended on how clean and well maintained your cabins and lodge are. I will recommend you to anyone that is looking to go to Canada fishing and I look forward to the time I can come back.

Jody Hansen

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