Category: Eagle Lake

Dog sledding at VBL….

Burton Penner ( came by the lodge today with one of his dog teams. These dogs are Price of Viagra…

Ice Sheet On The Ropes…..Comeback Unlikely.

Here's a few shots from yesterday. Off in the distance towards Round Island you can see the open water as…

Fish Photography, Part Two…..

Here are some "interesting" photos that deserve special recognition.........The "dominatrix" pose...... visit this websiteThe "wrestling pose"....the strength of some fish…

Fish Photography 101

I thought I would use this forum to share a pet peeve of mine....anglers that don't know how to hold…

The Ice Out Continues……

The ice is starting to show some dramatic changes and the wind continues to blow. I've added a few different…

Caribou Lake….

For those lucky enough to have fished back in Caribou Lake I thought these pictures from today (Monday, March 2)…

Melting into May………

Well, it may not be looking too good for those of you predicting a late April, early May ice out.…

New Year's Day trout fishing….

New Year's Day 2009 was not the deep freeze that we have been having the past few weeks. Some fresh…

New Year’s Day trout fishing….

New Year's Day 2009 was not the deep freeze that we have been having the past few weeks. Some fresh…

And the winner is…….

Congratulations go out to Andy Lewis from Middleton, Wisconsin. He was the only one to guess the correct answer to…

The Ice Melt Continues…..

It's not looking good for an April 30th ice out. I perused the predictions that everyone sent in.....thank you by…

Ice Out Update……

I will updating the ice conditions on a regular basis until the day arrives when Vermilion Bay is ice free.…

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Thank you very much for making my get a way week so enjoyable. Dan and I had a great time. You and Susanne should be commended on how clean and well maintained your cabins and lodge are. I will recommend you to anyone that is looking to go to Canada fishing and I look forward to the time I can come back.

Jody Hansen

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