Electric Beaver….”The Hardcopy”

I thought that this was a pretty neat idea. I was able to order a hard copy of the first year of the Electric Beaver to have at the lodge. This should be a good reminder to some of us with poor memories, what actually happened over 2009!

10 thoughts on “Electric Beaver….”The Hardcopy”

  1. What's next?? Gordon Bastable….The Movie!

    GOOD ONE NewMexicam that was a great comment…
    Now for the record Mr. Bastable I have copy rights on my stuff and the pictures are copy right protected so any royalties have to be paid to myself. Maybe we can work something out like maybe a 50% discount on my weeks stay?

  2. The movie? Gord is going to have to do better than that moose hunting video. Those scarey images still keeps me awake at night.In all seriousness, I do hope to capture a few videos this summer that I will be posting to Youtube. I bought myself a flip camera for Christmas which is a pocket sized video camera that is easy to use and upload video's. If any of you take short videos with your cameras this summer, make sure Gord gets a copy. Maybe we can make a compilaton of 2010 fishing events? Any ideas for "must see" VBL videos this summer?


  3. Any ideas for "must see" VBL videos this summer?
    Just as long as we don't see any of Gord making his midnight runs around camp in his thong.
    I have heard this is done but have yet to witness it yet thank god….

  4. Perchmaster, I HAVE witnessed this. It haunts me and reoccures in my bad dreams along with the time I almost fell into a 50 foot arryo in my skid loader.


  5. Nothing compares to the sight of Bill & Buck strolling to the lodge in their fuzzy housecoats, and matching biker "dew rags"…hand in hand.

    A close second was the sight of the Professor and his "missus" hanging out their underwear to dry on the tree in front of cabin #3. I couldn't get rid of the buzzards for days after….they just kept circling that tree.

    I won't even mention the footage I got back from the trail cam I put up in Perchmaster's cabin. Scarey doesn't begin to describe it……

  6. Gord,
    How many times do I have to tell you, they weren't housecoats they were bathrobes, and we weren't holding hands. We were fighting over the last beer.


  7. Gord…In Wisconsin, eveyone is allowed to hang their underwear out in the front yard. We may not talk much to our neighbors, but at least we know who is wearing boxers, briefs and thongs. You might be surprised at the beautiful colors and patterns that underwear come in these days. I find it to be an enjoyable and inexpensive way to add a little "curb appeal" to my home. But, I will respect your wishes that I stop doing this at VBL.

  8. Nice try Gord you try to change things up and think you got stuff on us and you don't have CHIT!!!!!
    Let the truth betold Gord is the one we all know needs to be watched around camp while on his midnight strolls….

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On behalf of the Boyes Group, I would like to pass on our sincere thanks for hosting the Muskie Madness Week and we thoroughly enjoyed our stay at VBL and had a great time!! This was our 7th year on Eagle Lake and we have stayed at a few other lodges but VBL takes the cake hands down! You can definitely count us in for next year. I’m happy to see you post some of my pics, they turned out well. Thanks again Gord for a wonderful week of fishing and your stellar hospitality, you run a first class operation, we look forward to seeing you next year!

Trevor Benner

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