Fishing Derby…Conclusion………..

The cold north winds did not bode well for those on the ice. Here Susanne smiles in anticipation, shortly before she loses a good fish with her famous “I’ll just remove my gloves before I battle the fish” maneuver. This was a disappointment since only a few other bites occurred with one “fish catching” exception. That was my encounter with the mighty stickleback!! Using a Salmo Chubbydarter I managed to snag one of these denizens of the depths, a finned fury of prehistoric proportions. Since it was a catch and release tourney, I carefully transported my “catch” to the weigh in station. There I was mocked by a small child who kept babbling annoyingly “you cheated…you cheated”! Even the adults looked a little suspicious. In my opinion, a one inch long stickleback that was snagged should count for something…….apparently I was wrong!

Well, the conclusion of this event took place at the Lions Hall in Vermilion Bay where, mysteriously, it is the only Lions Hall in Canada with an actual lion head on the wall. Not a stickleback in sight, or trophies for such a catch. What a rip-off.

All was not lost. After a few refreshments, an amazing attitude adjustment occurred. All thoughts of my stickleback receded. Since no fish where caught (I may have tried to dispute that claim) all prizes were raffled off. I ended up with a $50 gift certificate from the C0-0p! We can at least eat for another week!

15 thoughts on “Fishing Derby…Conclusion………..

  1. Gord…I can only imagine Susanne's heartbreak reaction upon losing a good fish. Was it something like, "Oh,darn! That's a shame"?

    You were clearly robbed by the judges with regard to the stickleback. And that annoying child should have been removed from the ice and made to walk home.

    I can attest to the critical importance of having a good judge. A few years back my friend, Andy, got screwed during a prestigious walleye tourney on Eagle Lake. This due to a rookie judge who was using some type of fuzzy math to calculate scoring. Andy was pretty upset as this gaff cost him a pretty mug that he coveted. But, like you, he got over it. Unfortunately, "getting over it" required 18 months of psychotherapy.

  2. I must add ice fishing is not a sport.

    Charles you could not be more wrong…
    Ice fishing can be a lot of fun and great exercise I am one of those that can't wait for hardwater fishing here in Wisconsin, you will find me on the ice somewhere every Saturday during the winter. Besides it is another way to meet new friends cause you can walk over and say HI…
    You should really give it a try sometime?

  3. Oh Professor, you had to bring back bad memories. I believe Susanne refers to that first year as the great fiasco. I think we could have used that child at the ice fishing contest to deal with the math. I think Gord ran out of fingers and toes.

  4. I just feel good with the knowledge that I did catch the only "fish". This is reward enough. Andy, I suggest you seek out your inner "more female" self, and become one with your loss. If that fails, and bitterness overtakes you, just remember there is a chance to redeem yourself at Walleye Madness, 2010! Show us what you can do!

  5. Susanne here – I forbade Gord to post that photo as I feel it does not do my hair justice. That is a wicked and classic case of "helmet head" and does not depict my usual perky locks! Signed, Mad and Flat in VBay

  6. Susanne…While I'm pretty sure that the photo was intended to portray you in an unflattering manner, I believe it does the opposite. My immediate reaction was that of you as an Olympic Champion, basking in the glory of victory earned by years of training and practice. Save the perky locks for the medal ceremony.

  7. Professor, you once again prove your "swayvv & de-boner" maturity….knowing that the way to a woman's heart is not through mocking her hair (shame on you perchmaster). Nice spin using the Olympics.

  8. Now wait a second, first it is "GOOD ONE PERCHMASTER and now it is "SHAME ON PERCHMASTER"
    Cut me some slack……
    If I was saying anything is was a positive but now forget it make that nice "HATHEAD"…..

    What the Hell does "forbade" mean?
    I even looked in the dictionary and mine has no such word, first I thought it was a mispell on Susanne's part but we all know Susanne would not mispell but then again Susanne does does have her own words she dreams up about on the lonely nights in the lodge of VBL.
    Thanks for checking in Susanne still think you need to get your own account to play fair, I would like to know how many post you have and don't tell us it's you.
    Hope your having a good winter but we do miss those ice fishing pictures and adventures you and Gord go on.
    Maybe this week-end you can get Gord off the couch and have him take you to the walleye lake and give us a report on ice fishing on Mac. Maybe even have him take you to the PERCH lake?

  9. My dad and I will be visiting this Aug. My dad loves catching perch. My hope is to contact the perch master so myself and my dad can pick his brain on the hot spots for some piggy perch. My dad John works at Kohler by Sheboygon, WI The perch master could e-mail me and I can put him intouch with my dad. Can't wait to get up to canada. Thanks Jim Meyer

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This is a first class resort located on Vermillion Bay on Eagle Lake. The cabins are very clean and well kept. The boats are new with new motors and are in great shape. The owner will also clean your fish for you after your day on the water. Make no mistake the fishing on Eagle Lake is world class.

The Lodge is owned by Gord and Susanne Bastable who will make you feel welcome and before you know it you feel like family. They are the best of hosts. The atmosphere is low key and laid back leading to a great vacation.

This is my 19th year of enjoying the hospitality of the lodge and i can’t think of going anywhere else on Eagle Lake.


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