March 26, 2017….Ice Out Update plus "bonus video!"

Finally, an actual ice out report from on location!  I’m happy to report sufficient ice to do some of the preparation on the portage lakes……taking in fuel, repairing seats and other minor repairs. [caption id="attachment_6124" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] A view of Vermilion Bay from the lodge on March 26, 2017[/caption]

As an added bonus to those “backwoods adventurers” I am happy to report a new trail has been created into Otter Lake (thank you Burton Penner).  No more wandering aimlessly along the creek and tall grass…unless that is to your liking!

The next photo has nothing to do with ice or Eagle Lake, but is me standing by a cactus.  Enjoy!

Bonus Video courtesy of “PJ” and a report on his trip last year to VBL…

Just a reminder, there’s still plenty of time to get your ice out entry into the contest.  Good luck and here’s to a great summer of fishing adventures in 2017!


3 thoughts on “March 26, 2017….Ice Out Update plus "bonus video!"

  1. Well, my prayers have been answered. I don’t think my naughty bits could take another season of wacking while walking in to Otter on the old “trail”. The slides on the boat launch at Clearwater look nice and Teflon-ish…….Andy is going to be able to just give the boat a hip bump to launch.

  2. Hi Gord…You are to be commended for the launch and trail upgrades that a senior (and partially demented) backwoods adventurer such as myself now needs in order to justify risking life and limb to fish.

  3. Can’t wait to see the new trail…although I was fond of whacking my through and then experiencing the joy of the launches!

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Thank you very much for making my get a way week so enjoyable. Dan and I had a great time. You and Susanne should be commended on how clean and well maintained your cabins and lodge are. I will recommend you to anyone that is looking to go to Canada fishing and I look forward to the time I can come back.

Jody Hansen

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