October 22…Season Finale.

It’s been a few weeks since our last guests and things have been closed up and put away for the winter.  It’s been a wet year and lake levels are at their maximum right now.  Before I get too ahead of myself, let’s look back on some of the events that wrapped up the season…Musky Madness & the Bull Perch Rodeo!

Musky Madness, 2019

The 14th annual Musky Madness Week trophy.

It was a fun week culminating in the awards night / shuffleboard competition at the Bayview Hotel.  There were some challenging entries, with 8 muskies being caught and released.  In the end one winner stood supreme with the top three biggest fish of the contest…46 1/2″, 42″ & 39″.  Congratulations Len Belpedio!

Len with a hand carved Charles Weiss take home trophy!

The runners-up have already signed up for next year’s competition where they hope to oust Len from his lofty plateau…  Good luck Mike, Ron and Bob!

Mike Z. , also known as the “Big Sexy” for obvious reason!

Bob, last year’s winner, now humbled by his downward slide, plots his revenge in 2020.

Ron Z. unfazed by his 5th place showing.  “I’ll be gunning for Len in 2020″.  Damn straight.

As part of the evening event VBL hosts a shuffleboard tournament.  This year the title somehow fell into the hands of Andy Lewis.  Andy’s claim to fame is that he won Musky Madness in 2015 which was one year after River Monster star Jeremy Wade in 2014.

Susanne showing Andy the plaque he can claim title to and add to his portfolio.  Rumor has it that his secret to success is in the VBL fashion that he sports on a daily basis.

As luck would have it Andy pulled off a last minute coup de gras by catching an end of the season Bull Perch that left the competition behind.  At a massive 11 3/4 inches of finned fury….

End of the Season…

It’s been busy around here getting things wrapped up.  Making it even tougher has been the endless rain, which is great for lake levels (anticipate high water next spring) but tough when you want to hang 60 wool blankets out to dry!

One of the issues that has been on my mind for a few years has been the jack pine trees between cabin 4 and 5.  Huge, old, and somewhat leaning it was time to bring them down in a controlled manner…

Probably a great view from the top!

Send in the boom to lower the top.

This past weekend we actually had some warm sunny weather!  Time for an outdoor brunch on the point…

In Conclusion…

Before I leave you with some random images from this Fall, planning for next year is already underway.  Many of you have already booked your week(s) which is great to see!  Just a reminder that sooner is better, especially for the most popular time periods and special weeks (Walleye Madness, Musky Madness).  Don’t miss out! 

My cabin 8 renovation is moving along well…..new windows and doors in, rewired and partition walls in place.  I anticipate spending a few hours insulating and putting up a ceiling and pine paneling in the near future.

On now for some pics……

On the trail to Caribou Lake……Caribou Falls!
Andy with a late season pike
Last bass of the season from Caribou Lake.

One last thought…

We’ve recently made some changes to our website.  Check it out and let me know what you think! 

Stay tuned for our next blog post.  Better yet sign up for our automatic notification!

4 thoughts on “October 22…Season Finale.

  1. 2015 was the year of the trifecta…Musky Madness, shuffleboard tournament, and perch rodeo. I did not attend walleye madness. Thank you Charles, for such a beautiful trophy. I may have to revisit walleye Madness to reclaim what is rightfully mine.

  2. Gord,
    You need to post the video of us wading through Carribou Falls to get to the lake! I have never seen so much water at that crossing.

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