Ice Out 2020!

Conditions as of 9:00 a.m., March 20, 2020

It’s once again that time of year when the VBL Ice Out Contest swings into action! Several people have been anxiously submitting guesses in hopes of circumventing contest rules….or were they just anxious? Now is the time when your predictions will be accepted. Before we go any further let’s acknowledge that strange things have been happening…we will get to that later in this post. For now let’s concentrate on the rules of this contest:

  • The person who correctly guesses the date Vermilion Bay becomes ice free will be declared the winner.
  • If more than one person picks the winning date, the person who had their guess in first will be the winner.
  • We will be updating ice conditions on a regular basis. The choice you face is to wait and see, and risk having your date picked first, or throw caution to the wind and get a guess in as soon as possible.
  • Pro Tip: The archives of the Electric Beaver hold many years of past ice out contests. Past trends and factual information may help in your quest.
  • The contest is open to anyone, regardless if you are a guest of VBL or not. The only stipulation is you must present yourself at VBL to receive your fabulous prize.
  • The winning date will be determined by the tournament judge, and will be overseen by “She who must be obeyed”…otherwise known as Susanne.

Good luck, and may the ice gods be with you….

Bjork, on his quest seeking VBL bling
The coming season of 2020, soon to be here!

Some uncertainty in the air…

The Corona virus has certainly made things difficult. We hope that you all are coping well and will remain healthy. In spite of this I have to say our VBL guests are a sturdy group of people! We have yet to receive one cancellation, and actually have had some reservations in the past few weeks which is amazing! I suppose in the scheme of things vacationing on Eagle Lake in NW Ontario is likely one of the more risk free holidays one could have.

To make things a bit easier for our guests we are waiving the 60 day notice of cancellation. We recognize that it’s impossible to predict the changing conditions, so this measure should give everyone a better opportunity to make plans for your upcoming trip without worrying about losing your deposits.

Since the last blog post…

What better way to show some of what has been happening around here, and some of our travels, over the past few months than through photos…

A Fall breakfast at the point.
Bacon and eggs over a fire!
The hounds are willing to pitch in too…
End of the season…
Ice fishing success….brook trout.
Lake trout.
Sea Bass (cabrilla) from our recent trip to the Baja…image these as smallmouth bass!
The garden shed at VBL will soon be back in action.
A great view from the point.

Well that’s about it for now. Stay healthy, stay positive, wash your hands and get your guess in to Gord ( ) ! As all guesses are confidential, please don’t use the comment section to post your guess…mail me directly!

5 thoughts on “Ice Out 2020!

  1. Glad to see you made it back from Mexico…….otherwise I would have had to open camp this season which could be viewed as a “ natural disaster”.


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If you like GREAT fishing, hospitality and affordability, Vermilion Bay Lodge is highly recommended. I have been making the trip to Vermilion Bay Lodge for the past 10 years and have never once been disappointed. If you like great walleye, northern, musky and trout fishing, this place should not be overlooked. The fishing has been excellent… no matter what time we went. Gordy and Susanne are wonderful hosts that will make you feel right at home. Check it out – I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.


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