Slow Death

The slow death hook…

In the spirit of sharing, let me say that the professor and I are about ready to depart on a walleye trip up to a destination near Perchmaster Kurt and Bamboo Mark. We are on a mission to try some new techniques….one known as the slow death crawler cork screw technique.

I have never really seen conditions on Eagle Lake where the walleyes are finicky, but the use of the slow death hook is meant to be a slow presentation of a crawler (or artificial bait like gulp), for just these kinds of situations. The troll is done behind the standard bottom bouncer, but the speed is done at less than 1 m.p.h.  The twist of the slow death hook, armed with 1/2 a crawler threaded on the hook, mimics a corkscrew action due to the strange twist in the hook.

If you search “slow death hook” on cabelas, you will find that they have the #4 size clearance priced right now. If you search on Youtube, you will also find a number of instructional videos. I am going to try this method with a very small blade known as a smile blade. You can search youtube by: “slow death hook with smile blade” and find some interesting videos as well.

Will the slow death method work on Eagle Lake?

A number of us including Gord have been thinking about this technique for a while. We are going to put it to practice this weekend. We will try to report back, complete with photos. If this experiment fails, we will try to use these hooks to remove the corks from our wine bottle. If we are successful, it will be put to good use on Eagle Lake this summer.

Now Perchmaster…how about a post detailing the infamous crop circle technique?

Look out walleyes…….here comes Slow Death!

10 thoughts on “Slow Death

  1. Hey Andy
    I have heard about this type of hook and know of a couple of guys that swear by them.
    I myself have never used one.
    So where would this destination be?
    I have been spending what free time I have had on the bay out of Green Bay this spring and been learning new things and doing well at them i might add.
    As for the crop circle technique that might make for a little story soon but I don’t want people to think I lost it!!!

  2. The “Slow Death” technique certainly appealed to the Green Bay walleyes, but no more so than a traditional crawler harness and spinner blade. On Saturday, the walleyes went temporarily insane and bit either bait with reckless abandon.
    I nearly experienced a slow death of my own during this hot bite. Andy and I were so busy setting lines and netting fish that I started to over-heat inside my foul weather gear. Sweat was pouring from me during a crazy sequence when we had four fish on at once. (Andy calls this a Chinese fire drill for unexplained reasons.) After this, I had to take a knee while Andy splashed cold lake water over the two of us. The action was so furious that we lost track of the eaters in the live-well; it was starting to get crowded with fish. Andy counted them up and we had our limit of 10 beauties. It was 8:50 AM.

  3. I’m not sure but I am guessing you must have been on the east shore?
    Reason I say this if you were fishing out of Green Bay on the bay yes you could have had the ol fashion “Chinese Fire Drill” as it’s called but I am guessing you had some sheepshead on the end of some of those lines.
    But I am thinking I am going to call “BULLSHIT”!!!!

  4. Hi Perchmaster…We were fishing the west side of the bay out of Oconto. Usually, we get some sheep, but not on this trip. Bah!

  5. Hey Joe
    Yea I have heard fishing has been very good out of Oconto this year.
    I have been out several time out of Green Bay this spring and we have caught a ton of sheep.
    They even become a pain at times.
    But still fun to catch

  6. Perchmaster,

    Saturday was a great day to be on the water. I had one line simply hanging over the side of the boat with a second rod also laid over the side with a board attached that I was getting ready to set before seeing a double on two boards. While we were reeling in the double, I looked down and saw the two lines hanging over the side had fish on them. By the time we got those lines in, the fifth line started to drop back and we had our fifth. It was a crazy day on the water.

    The next day was a humbling experience. Same locations, same baits, and we got skunked as well as soaked by the rain and wind.

    I would definitely try the slow death hook again on days when the fishing is slower. It requires a very slow presentation of about .5 mph to .75 mph. I am stocked up for the trip to VBL.

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Thank you very much for making my get a way week so enjoyable. Dan and I had a great time. You and Susanne should be commended on how clean and well maintained your cabins and lodge are. I will recommend you to anyone that is looking to go to Canada fishing and I look forward to the time I can come back.

Jody Hansen

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