Early Spring Fishing on Eagle Lake

Beginning of open water fishing on Eagle Lake

“Early Spring Fishing”

Trolling for lake trout...

It seems we have been monitoring the ice melt for way too long……..it’s time to get out on the water!

Susanne & I spent an hour on the lake this weekend to check things out…and run one of the Yamaha 9.9’s that I will be putting on my boats on Clearwater Lake.  I’m surprised how fast they moved us across the water…..the adventurous guests of Vermilion Bay Lodge should be pleased!  Early Spring fishing is one of my favorites, plus combined with trolling (another favorite), you just can’t go wrong.   Our target….shallow water lake trout.

The gull's are sharing their island with an ice pack....cold beer anyone?

When you fish the early spring on Eagle Lake, you never really know what you’ll catch!

Susanne with the 1st open water fish of the year

It’s definitely not the lake trout we were expecting but that’s what makes early spring fishing so interesting.  This walleye was likely in the slot and went back into the lake for future reference.

Even I'm allowed to catch one.....pretty nice looking walleye!

Another nice walleye (released) and we realize that our lake trout strategy is not working today…….but not bad action for an hour on the lake.  We seem to have stumbled upon a shoreline where the walleyes are likely congregating to spawn, so we opt to leave them to their duties.  I’ll keep this location under my hat, and no it’s not Gull Rock.  The lake trout will not escape us on the next early spring fishing adventure!!!

The action is just beginning….


Early spring fishing and the fish on Eagle Lake are on the move!



19 thoughts on “Early Spring Fishing on Eagle Lake

  1. Nice to see you two enjoying the first trip out on the open water. I would like to be there this summer but for other reasons I will not make the annual trek from Kansas to Eagle Lake.

    See you both next year!

  2. I don’t know Gord I keep looking at the walleye you got…
    You don’t know how lucky you are to have a GREAT fishery in your own front yard.
    Wish we had something half as good as you got..
    Guess that is why I always have something to look forward to!!!

    1. It’s interesting how good the closer spots in the “backyard” really are. Good thing most camps send their guests as far away as possible!

  3. I went for a spin by myself on Sunday and caught a 7 or 8 pound laker. This was in about a half hour of fishing, so they are definately catchable. By the way it was caught near your “secret spot”.

  4. Gord,

    I think the “secret spot” might be worthy of a post. Complete with map, pictures, and GPS coordinates. Just like you provided us last year.


    1. Andy, that might be possible in a very limited “inner circle” of guests. I’m sure the perchmaster won’t mind a few dozen boats roaming his glory hole.

      On a more serious note, I do like to give guidance to new and old guests, but I do have to respect the concept of someone’s “secret spot”. Of course, Perchmaster has forgotten who actually told him to try his “secret spot”!!! Oh well, if it keeps him happy…….the rest of the year we just fish the crap out of it!

      1. OK wait one Fin minute. #1 You never told us about that spot(that I rememeber).
        #2 It would not have made a difference if you did because you have to fish it with a special technique taught to me by the Indian guides of southern Eagle Lake.
        I would think you would respect our honey hole and keep that under wraps. I would hate to not be able to tell you of a couple more hot holes we have.

  5. Gord,

    Would this top secret technique be the famous “crop circles technique”. This technique taught to me by Tonto is most effective when done repeatedly in said glory hole.


  6. Unlike Vegas, What happens at VBL is shared widely. It’s a big lake. It has more than enough fish to go around. The Perchmaster and other guests at VBL will gladly share their techniques to make your experience more enjoyable.

  7. Gord,

    I am just giggling about the infamous Sportsman’s Bay “crowding incident” involving none other than a guide at one of the other resorts. I don’t think Kurt understands that people are simply trying to acknowledge his fishing prowess when they hook up to the side of his boat. They are simply trying to show respect. Imatation after all is the most sincere form of flattery. I will be forever grateful for his suggestions regarding perch that now help us load up the sink at VBL. Some day I may even try to replicate the crop circles move.

  8. Boy I kind of forgot that day as I have tried to put it out of my mind. Only reason we did not jump in the boats together was out of repect for you.
    Maybe someday will have to perch together and crop circle some evening.
    Boy now you had to go and ruin my evening bringing up that day we were on the slaughter of walleye and they came and moved right in our boat with us that day!!!

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If you’re looking for an outstanding vacation spot for the serious fisherman or a family get away you should consider Vermillion Bay Lodge on Eagle Lake, Ontario Canada. We have stayed at many lake resorts over the years, but none offer the simple pleasures of this one. The lake is large enough and holds enough fish for the most adventuresome fisherman and yet easy for local family fishing for young children. Bring your own boat or use one of the aluminum boats (20 hp) at the lodge. Boat dockage is well protected from the wind and allows easy access to the water.

What sets this lodge apart from most others is it is always clean, well kept with lots to do including paddle boats canoes, bon fires in the evenings and a just plain friendly atmosphere.

Bruce & Sally

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