Ice out update: #4

April 16, 2022

Well, we survived the last major winter storm. Actually we ended up with half the snow they predicted which was fine by me. In the end we have moved back into a winter wonderland and some cooler temperatures.

Susanne and Lilly “communicating”…
The sleds are ready to go….note the bit of melting in the creek.
This would be a beautiful January day if it wasn’t April 16th!

So, to put this into perspective….

April 14, 2021…ice out in Vermilion Bay, and a late dusting of snow.

What a difference a year makes! It could be “one of those years”… but I can say in the thirty years at VBL we have only had one opener where ice was still a factor, but only for a day. 2022 will likely be a great early season shallow lake trout kind of year!

It may be cold and snowy, but the sun is intense and the melting has begun. We’ll just have to wait and see…

So, while we wait for things to progress…

…a few thoughts about fishing and tackle…

If you like trolling some artificials to catch walleye these shallow running Rapalas are the ticket for a late spring…..and when they are on sale you just can’t say no! Thank you Bobby’s Corner!
For a bit later in the season I’m hoping these bad boys will catch a few fish without the need for live bait…we’ll see!

Well that’s what conditions are like right now. Still time to put in an ice out guess. While you’re waiting on spring start dusting off the tackle box and maybe add some fresh line to those reels!

11 thoughts on “Ice out update: #4

  1. Happy Easter to you and Susanne. I hope you all are well. I agree those jigging Shadow Raps look deadly. Does Bobby’s stock them? Can’t get in the US. Need to stock up in June. Take care.

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This is a first class resort located on Vermillion Bay on Eagle Lake. The cabins are very clean and well kept. The boats are new with new motors and are in great shape. The owner will also clean your fish for you after your day on the water. Make no mistake the fishing on Eagle Lake is world class.

The Lodge is owned by Gord and Susanne Bastable who will make you feel welcome and before you know it you feel like family. They are the best of hosts. The atmosphere is low key and laid back leading to a great vacation.

This is my 19th year of enjoying the hospitality of the lodge and i can’t think of going anywhere else on Eagle Lake.


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